On Saturday, May 15, 2010, I decided to follow through with my plan, which was to begin working on my second venue for my next book signing. I decided that I would make my next book signing a double event; not only would I sell and sign copies of Simply Bret, but I would also celebrate the 30th wedding anniversary of the main characters, Bret & Susie Douglas.
In order to fully follow through with this plan, I acted as though I was Bret (this is the mark of a true author). I found myself ring shopping-- not for any reason in particular other than for marketing research. The first jewelry store I stopped by, I perused around until I saw the ladies' rings; they all looked sparkly. "Susie would love a ring like this," I thought to myself. At that moment, one of the employees of this particular jewelry story asked if I needed help. I told her that I was in the process of writing my second book, and that one of the chapters was dedicated to Bret and Susie. As I spoke, I noticed how this woman looked at me as though I was crazy, yet she continued to listen to me. Once I explained that I was feeling the role of Bret as he went ring shopping for his wife of 30 years, the woman looked at me and said, "Oh... well, good luck with that."
I simply thanked her and left for another jewelry store.
I started to check out the rings in JC Penney when I noticed a second jewelry store-- Kevin Jewelers. Once I entered said store, I was greeted warmly and asked for whom I was shopping for. Much like I did at the first store, I explained that I was an author who was in the process of writing a story about Bret and Susie's 30th anniversary...
Now, this is the part where we come around in full circle.
Earlier on in this blog, I quoted my best friend Big Chris: "You can't make this stuff up!" Well, just as sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, the employees at Kevin Jewelers asked me if I had a picture of Bret and Susie. Naturally, I did, and I presented the drawing of the 30-year couple. After complimenting how cute Bret and Susie looked, the employees asked me questions as though they were speaking to Bret. In the midst of the conversation, the employees mentioned how they thought Susie adored diamonds... which is ironic, because she does. Well, after my experience at Kevin Jewelers, the employees thanked me for choosing them for doing my research at their store, and wished me well in my second book.
Now, all I have to do, is draw a picture of Susie's anniversary diamond ring, which will be debuted at the 30th wedding anniversary/book signing. Until next time, take care and God Bless.