With the news of Sarah’s engagement to Duane Anoai, the whole world has been talking. It’s no secret that the bride-to-be is very excited, but so is the father of the bride.
In today’s blog, lovable cornball Bret Douglas writes an open letter to his precious little Apple Blossom.
Dear Sarah Elizabeth:
I was just sitting here thinking about the day that God blessed me to be your dad. It was on that fateful afternoon of August 9, 1984. I was just about to clock out for work when my boss asked if I wanted to work overtime. As soon as I said yes, I got a call from Ms. Viv saying that you were about to make your debut. I was disappointed that I couldn’t be there like I wanted to, but Ms. Viv assured me that everything was well taken care of. Fortunately for me, I was able to put in only a half hour of overtime and I just rushed right over to the hospital with your Uncle Clark. It was exactly 5:18pm when I walked in, and at the same time, you had made your debut in the world. Talk about being an overjoyed dad—words could not describe the feeling I had when I held you for the first time. I remembered how you cooed like a dove and wriggled about in my arms, the way you rested comfortably when your mom asked me to watch you while she went to work. Heck, I remembered when you asked me to play house with you. And you know something, I still remember when you asked me to take a picture with just you and I, right before you went off to your high school prom. I still have that picture in my wallet, even as we speak.
If I may be so bold as to quote Amy Grant and Vanessa Williams, respectively: “Oh, how the years go by. Oh, how the love brings tears to my eyes. All through the changes, the soul never dies—we laugh, we fight, we cry.” Those words are so apropos for me right now. In just about three months, you’ll be getting married. You know, I’m so happy for you… but I can’t lie to myself—I really wish I could turn the clock back to 1989, when you sat on my lap and watched WWF Superstars with me every Saturday afternoon. I’m really gonna miss that little girl who dressed up like a pumpkin and still looked like a princess. However, at the same time, I am looking forward to walking you down that aisle on September 17 and giving you away. I’m also anticipating the Daddy & Daughter Dance—I’ve already picked out the perfect song for us.
I love you, Apple Blossom… and take real good care of my future son-in-law.
Happy Tuesday to all of the Ms. Viv ‘Nim Fanatics!
We trust that you all had a great Fourth of July weekend, but now it’s time for today’s latest blog. On July 1, we heard Sarah Elizabeth’s thoughts on her upcoming wedding day. Today, we will hear from her future husband Duane Walter Anoai.
Hey, Y’all!
I gotta say—sometimes I feel like I’m dreaming. It was Monday, August 25, 2008 that I walked in to speak to my academic counselor about my grad school commencement. I never expected for love to hit me like it did. I mean, there she was—a gorgeous 5’6” honey blonde, crystal blue-eyed beauty. Some say that it was destiny, and they might be right. All I know is: I never expected Sarah Elizabeth Douglas to touch my life the way she did.
Once upon a time, when I was in my late teens and early 20s, I was a heartbreaker… yes, I freely admit it. I was the one in high school and college who was actin’ like a playa-playa. I toyed with the girls’ emotions and made them cry. And then one day, as fate would have it, I found out what it felt like. There was a girl whom I thought was interested in me, and come to find out that she was using me—it didn’t feel good at all. After getting a taste of my own medicine, I healed over my heartbreak, then I got in contact with each and every girl that I scorned and apologized to them. Fortunately, they forgave me, but it was still a long time until I started dating again.
And that’s when Sarah Elizabeth came into my life.
It shocked me when Sarah gave me her phone number that day. I admit that I was very nervous, because I was concentrating very hard on keeping my past hidden. When Sarah and I became an exclusive couple, I finally opened up to her about my past. I lie to you not—Sarah caught me by the face and said, “Honey, that was then, and this is now. The bottom line is that you learned your lesson and you’ve grown from it.” When she said that to me, it was like… whoa! She knew about my past, yet she still loves me. And on top of everything else, she still said yes when I proposed to her. That’s nothing but the goodness of The Lord right there.
Well, September 17 will be here before I know it. I’ve already picked out my tuxedo—I just need to get the shoes. I don’t have anything else to say, except this: Thank You, Lord for blessing me with a wonderful woman like Sarah Elizabeth.
Happy July 1, Ms. Viv ‘Nim Fanatics!
Let me first of all apologize for not updating my blog in the past couple of weeks—I guess that I suffered a case of writer’s block. Well, I’m all healed and ready to post.
Today’s blog comes from our special bride-to-be, Miss Sarah Elizabeth Douglas.
Hey, Everyone!
Oh my God—I can’t believe it’s almost been two months that I’ve gotten engaged. I always knew that I would find and marry the man of my dreams, but I never expected it to happen so soon. Okay, so Duane and I have been dating for a good three years, but still, it comes as a surprise to me that he asked me to marry him. I’m so excited and I cannot hide it… where have I heard that before?
Duane is truly a blessing. I’ll never forget the first day that we met—how I was working at a mundane job, and he just walked in the office and brightened my day. In addition to walking into the office, Duane walked into my life and made me feel so wonderful. Then there was our lunch date, where he made me laugh so much that I forgot all about my problems. And of course, he remembered that my favorite color was orange, so he gave me an orange rose.
One thing that I will always hold dear to my heart is how Duane was right by my side when I suffered my first anxiety attack. I could hear the sincerity and concern in his voice when he told the doctor: “I’m not leavin’ my baby by herself!” Even though I was still a bit on edge, I felt a bit relaxed with Duane by my side. And you all should’ve seen how grateful my dad was toward Duane. I don’t think my dad realized it, but he gave Duane his full blessing to marry me.
As you all know, the big day is Saturday, September 17, 2011 at my church. I’ve already picked out my wedding dress and shoes. All I need to do, is find something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue. Hope to see you all… and by the way: I am living proof that anything is possible when your heart whispers “I Believe.”