Hey there, Ms. Viv ‘Nim Fanaticals!
As you all know, congratulations are in order for the recently wed Duane & Sarah Anoai. In the weeks to come, the newlyweds will send their thanks, but in the meantime, we have today’s blog: a message from one Amy Rochelle Newhart.
Hello, All!
I just want to say a few words about my friend, Sarah Elizabeth Douglas-Anoai… that really has a nice ring to it.
I first met Sarah when we were in high school. I was a transfer student and pretty much a loner—heck, I was scared to make friends. But one day, Sarah showed me how to be a friend, and from that day to this one, I held her in high regard. After we graduated high school, I went to Texas for a college education, and when I returned back to Los Angeles in 2009, I ran into Sarah. It was like old times again. When I met her, I saw that she was with Duane, and just by looking at him, I could tell that he was the one for Sarah. To be honest, I whispered to Sarah that she should start practicing Duane’s last name. Coincidentally, I was engaged to be married in June of 2009, and it was so apropos that I ran into Sarah, because I wanted her to be my bridesmaid. Naturally, she accepted.
And now, we fast forward to September 17, 2011—Sarah’s big day.
When she called and told me that Duane proposed, I could’ve jumped through the phone and high-fived her. I knew that my woman’s intuition was on point. I was there to witness Duane and Sarah join together in holy matrimony, to give their vows, and heck—I was even there to see them dance for the first time. By the way, they chose the perfect song: “This Is My Promise” by the Temptations.
All I have to say now is: Congratulations, Sarah… and welcome to the married couple club. It is my prayer that your marriage is as happy and fun-filled as mine.
With Love,
Amy Rochelle Newhart
Happy Monday, Ms. Viv ‘Nim Fanaticals!
Well, y’all—it finally happened.
This past Saturday, September 17, 2011, Duane Walter Anoai and Sarah Elizabeth Douglas were joined together in holy matrimony.
The ceremony took place at First Baptist Church of Culver City at 2 p.m., and was performed by Pastor Stanley Richardson. It was reported that earlier in the day, Sarah Elizabeth was a bit frantic on account of the overcast sky, but just an hour and a half before the ceremony, the sun broke through and shone all over Southern California. Coincidentally, it was darn near standing room only in the church.
Aside from the lighting of the unity candle and the exchanging wedding vows, the newlyweds were treated to a beautiful rendition of “At Last,” sung by fellow church member Christina Wallace.
After the ceremony, everyone was invited to congratulate the newlyweds at wedding reception in Long Beach. Perhaps the most poignant moment at the reception was the Father & Daughter Dance. Bret chose the song “Butterfly Kisses” by Bob Carlisle, and it was agreed that the song was very apropos, especially considering that Bret was very emotional towards the end of the dance. Those in attendance reported that when Bret hugged Sarah, he wouldn't let go. Likewise, Sarah did not want to stop hugging her daddy dearest.
We will have more reports about Duane and Sarah’s wedding throughout the week, but in the meantime, enjoy this trivia.
- Duane’s best man was his younger brother Owen Anoai, and Sarah’s maid of honor was childhood friend Melissa Roberts.
- Duane’s groomsmen were his cousin Andrew Anoai, brother-in-law Howard Douglas, and best friend Craig Perkins.
- Sarah’s bridesmaids were her childhood friends Candace Jones, Natalie Marcellia, and Jessica Torres.
- Duane and Sarah’s wedding dance was to the song “This Is My Promise” by the Temptations.
- As for who caught the bouquet, it was none other than Natalie Marcellia. She didn’t expect to catch it, so needless to say, she was quite surprised.
- There may be another romance in the making—Howard Douglas and Jessica Torres finally shared a sweet kiss. Incidentally, they were paired up during the wedding preparations.
Hey there, Ms. Viv ‘Nim Fanaticals!
In today’s blog, we have a special message from Sarah’s pastor, the Reverend Stanley David Richardson.
Greetings to all my Father’s children:
I am humbled and honored to preside over the wedding of a dear, sweet young lady—Sarah Elizabeth Douglas. Suffice to say, I have known Sarah Elizabeth since before she was even born. As a matter of fact, it was in July of 1984 when her mother, father, and older brother joined First Baptist Church of Culver City, and Sarah was still in her mother’s tummy. Coincidentally, her mother requested that I pray for the child. Admittedly, I had to think about it… for about a half a nanosecond. Everyone knows that I love children, and that I am a big kid at heart, so it was an honor to pray for the yet-to-be-born princess.
Over the years, I’ve seen Sarah Elizabeth grow from a sweet little girl into a darling young woman. She was very active in church—she sings in the Young Adult choir, she is a part of the Young Lilies, and she teaches the junior women class in Sunday School. And now, she is about to take on the role of a wife—an accolade that should not be taken lightly.
When Sarah Elizabeth announced that she would be getting married, I was stunned. After all, it seemed like yesterday that she was in the Little Angels Choir, singing “Jesus Loves Me.” I am very happy for Sarah Elizabeth, and I trust that she will make a great wife to young Duane Anoai. On a side note, I have spoken to Bro. Anoai on quite a few occasions, and I can see the love and sincerity in his eyes when he speaks of Sarah Elizabeth. I remember that look all too well—it’s the same look that I had when I first met Pamela. Heck, it’s the same look that I give Pamela even after 30-plus years of marriage.
It’s funny how life comes in full circle. It was just last year—July 17, 2010, to be exact—that I presided over a vow renewal ceremony for Sarah Elizabeth’s mother and father. Here it is, well over a full year later, and I will be conducting the services to join Sarah Elizabeth and Duane Anoai in holy matrimony.
I close by saying: Congratulations, Sarah Elizabeth. I look forward to marrying you and Duane. Just remember that what He has put together, no man and no woman can put asunder. God Bless you both.
Happy Monday, Ms. Viv ‘Nim Fanatics!
We are just five days away from Duane and Sarah’s wedding, y’all. It seemed like yesterday when Duane proposed… as a matter of fact, it was three months ago. My goodness—time sure did fly by.
Well, in any event, we have a very special blog for you today. We will hear from Sarah’s best friend and maid of honor, Melissa Leilani Roberts.Hey, Lizzie-Girl!
Oh my God—it’s finally upon us! Your big day is coming up this Saturday, and I am like, so excited for you. I was just sitting up here at my desk, writing out what I want to say during the toast at your reception, but I don’t know what to talk about. There was that time where we had an all-girls sleepover at my mom and dad’s house, but I don’t think anyone wants to hear about that. Of course, there was the time where you, me, and Nattie got stranded one evening and we had to call your brother Howie to come get us. And then, too, there was this past July when we treated you to an all-girl weekend in Vegas. So many stories, but I don’t know which one to tell.
One thing I can definitely say with a clear conscience is this: Liz, I love you lots. You’re like a sister to me, considering that I’m an only child. I will always cherish the times we laughed, cried, got angry… I’ll especially remember how we participated in the charity baseball game against the OSW Ladies Division, right before the OSW Homecoming.
Liz, I hope I can get through this without crying, but I feel like I’m losing you. You know, they say that once you get married, life changes. You start hangin’ out with other married folks. I know that I shouldn’t be selfish, but I can’t help it. Over the years, it’s been me, you, Nattie, Candi, and most recently, Jessica. Now that you’re about to tie the knot, we’re gonna be short one angel. Nevertheless, I am glad that Duane knows what a remarkable woman he has found in you. And I’m sure you know that Duane is a good catch… oh, what am I saying—duh! Of course you know that he’s a good catch, otherwise you wouldn’t be gettin’ married this Saturday.
Congratulations, Girlfriend—and God Bless.
Hey there, Ms. Viv ‘Nim Fanaticals!
As promised on Friday, September 2, 2011, today’s blog is a special wedding present for Duane Walter Anoai and Sarah Elizabeth Douglas. We have taken the liberty of highlighting some of the cutest couples, all of which have stood the test of time.
Bret & Susie Douglas literally ran into each other on the campus of South Carolina University in 1977. After becoming college sweethearts, they decided to tie the knot on July 12, 1980. Within this union were born three children, with one of them being our precious bride-to-be, Sarah Elizabeth.
Brandon & Jeanette Anoai met in 1976 in the most unlikely of places—jury duty. Neither one of them were chosen on the jury due to their strong convictions regarding domestic violence, but as fate would have it, they had their first date later on in the day. After getting married on May 21, 1979, they reared three children—one of them being young Duane.
Frank & Clara Roberts were on opposite ends of the spectrum, ironically sitting next to each other at a big homecoming game in 1975. The two hit it off nicely upon discovering that Frank was a football star at the University of Nebraska, and Clara was a cheerleader at Oklahoma State University. Although they were adversaries at the homecoming games, it was a totally different story after the final score. The two moved to California in 1978, and raised one daughter. Today, the Robertses are retired and awaiting for some Prince Charming to sweep their daughter off her feet.
Charles & Regina Frazier were destined to be married. Charles was a laid back career-oriented Mississippian, and Regina was a sweet, sassy New Orleans native. They met at a Chicago diner in 1995, got married in 1996, moved to Southern California in 1997, and had their first and only child in 1998. Today, Charles is the co-owner of Chuck’s Delta Dinin’, and Regina is a registered nurse at the Culver City Children’s Hospital.
Paul & Edith Takashi were both born in Tokyo, Japan, but didn’t meet until they moved to the United States 1999. Paul was a high school algebra teacher, and Edith was a dentist. As fate would have it, Paul had a toothache and he went to Edith’s office. One thing led to another, and they got married. They are also parents to healthy twins—a boy and a girl—both born on Father’s Day 2010.
Clark & Vivian Jones met and fell in love in Memphis, Tennessee in 1958—in a car accident. Fortunately, no one was hurt, but both agreed that it was love at first sight. The two got married in 1962 and raised five children, whom they nicknamed the Rambunctious Five. Realizing that their children needed a better life, Clark and Vivian stepped out on faith and moved to Southern California. Sadly, Clark passed away in 1996, but his wife still wears her wedding ring as a constant reminder that The Lord blessed her with a charming, darling sweetheart of a man.These are just six examples of love that stood the test of time. We have no doubt in our minds that come September 17, 2011, Duane and Sarah will study these examples and write their own history book on love.
Until next time, take care and God Bless.
Hey there, Ms. Viv ‘Nim Fanaticals!
We are approximately two weeks away from the wedding of Duane Walter Anoai and Sarah Elizabeth Douglas. Just in case you all need reminding, this cute couple is set to tie the knot on Saturday, September 17, 2011 at First Baptist Church in Culver City, where the Reverend Stanley David Richardson is pastor.
Duane and Sarah met on the campus of Hayes University in August of 2008. She was the front desk receptionist in the MBA program, and he coincidentally was working on his Master’s Degree. As fate would have it, Duane scheduled an appointment to meet with his academic advisor since entering the MBA program, and once he laid eyes on Sarah, it was love at first sight. The same thing could be said of Sarah—she didn’t know it at the time, but she was bitten by the lovebug. Anyway, they had a lunch date just to get to break the ice, and three days later, they had their first date. Pretty soon, one thing led to another, and the next thing, Duane slid a beautiful engagement ring on Sarah’s finger.
As an early wedding present, especially in leading up to Duane and Sarah’s wedding, we will give highlight some couples that have stood the test of time—in particular, the bride’s parents Bret & Susie Douglas, and the groom’s parents Brandon & Jeanette Anoai.
Until next time, take care and God Bless.
Hey there, Ms. Viv ‘Nim Fanaticals!
Today is September 1, 2011, and how apropos is it that today is also the 25th birthday of our spotlight star, Diane Yvette Pritchard. Let’s take a look at her bio, shall we?
Diane Yvette Pritchard was born (as previously mentioned) on September 1, 1986 in Los Angeles, California, to Philip and Elaine Pritchard. She has one older brother, Anthony James. As a child, Diane always pretended to be a teacher/counselor, and would cure her “patients” with a hug and a kiss. Oftentimes her patients were her mom, dad, and brother.
At the beginning of the 1993-94 school year, Diane was enrolled into Wiley L. Sapp Elementary School, and quickly made friends with Nikki Douglas, Anna-Jane Overton, and Barbara Zuckerman. Diane jokingly stated that her fellow Chickadees are the sisters she always wanted “but for some reason never got until later.”
Diane graduated from Cal State Northridge in 2008 with a B.A. degree in Sociology. She is currently an academic counselor at Charlie LaBon High School. In her spare time, Diane is on the go with her fellow Chickadees, and her guilty pleasure—she totally loves “big, crazy-ass sunglasses.”
About a month after we graduated from high school, my fellow Chickadees and I had a “Going to College” slumber party over at Nikki’s house.
For some weird reason, I referred to my 8th Grade teacher Mr. Thundera as “Dad.”
FAVORITE FOOD: Turkey & Roast Beef on Rye
SECRET TALENT: I know a little ballet.
IN MY FREE TIME, I LIKE TO: Teach myself how to cook certain recipes
IF I COULD’VE DONE IT DIFFERENTLY: I probably would’ve studied to be a chef… probably!
Mr. Arthur, my 3rd Grade teacher, and Mrs. Hall, my 6th Grade teacher
Laughter is contagious, so catch it!
Yvonne DeCarlo and Gloria Estefan
Have a career, raise a family, and still remain close to my fellow Chickadees
High-Spirited, Lovely, & Ambitious
The Chickadees, of course
Any beach or mall in Southern California
I would’ve loved for Mr. Jones to have seen me and the Chickadees graduate from 8th Grade.
Most people assume that because I’m the oldest Chickadee, I am the leader. To tell the truth, I’m much more comfortable in a second-in-command type role.