As many of you know, our dear friend and brother Ralph Brandon Gosinheimer passed away last Monday, November 29, 2010, at the age of 79. His homegoing service was held this past Saturday, December 4, 2010 in his hometown of Atlanta, Georgia. Even though Ralph’s family and friends had heavy hearts, they did what they set out to do—celebrate Ralph’s life.
The Gosinheimer Family would like to send out their warmest appreciation and gratitude to those of you who sent cards, flowers, condolences, and most of all, your love and support.
Here is another picture for you all to enjoy. This is a picture of Ralph with his daughters, Angie (left) and Susie (right). This picture was taken on Saturday, November 27, 2010, just two days before Ralph went home to Glory.
“If you still have your parents with you, by all means, cherish them, because there’s gonna come a time when The Lord will call them home and by then, it’ll be too late to say that extra ‘I love you’ or ‘I’m sorry.’ I can speak for Angie when I say that we have no regrets, because we did what was right by my dad... well, best as we could anyway. Congratulations, Daddy—you’ve made it over.”
—Susie Douglas, on the day of Ralph’s homegoing celebration
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