And the beat goes on and on and on…
In addition to getting engaged, Sarah Elizabeth Douglas is happy to announce that she will be graduating from E.L. Goss University this Saturday, June 4, 2011. The bride-to-be is set to earn her Master’s in Business Administration, but she won’t be alone; her best friends Melissa Roberts, Natalie Marcellia, and Candace Jones—all of whom happen to be Sarah’s bridesmaids—will also be earning their MBA’s from Goss U.
Saturday’s commencement ceremony will take place at 2 p.m. inside the Matthews Auditorium. We spoke to each of the graduates as it relates to this Saturday, and here’s what they had to say:
SARAH DOUGLAS: “I guess it can be said that I’m on Cloud Nine, and rightfully so. I mean, think about—I’m engaged to be married, and I’ve completed the satisfactory requirements to earn my MBA. The plan is to be a famous author, and then turn my books into a cartoon. By the way, I would like to dedicate my graduation to my late grandfather, Ralph B. Gosinheimer. This one’s for you, Grandpa—love you lots.”
NATALIE MARCELLIA: “It has always been my dream to be a talk show host, and earning a Master’s degree is helping me reach that dream. This is so exciting—who would’ve thought that two years in grad school would go by so quickly. It seemed like yesterday that Lizzie, Leili, Candi, and I had enrolled in the MBA program. I’m looking forward to this Saturday… I cannot wait!”
MELISSA ROBERTS: “The MBA program at Goss University was relatively easy for me, considering that I got my undergrad in Business Administration at Oklahoma University. Like my fellow angels, I have big dreams and goals myself. I plan on becoming an actress and a movie producer. Special thanks to Goss University—it’s been a long time comin’, but that change has come.
CANDACE JONES: “When I graduated from Bennett University in 2009, I knew that it would be a minute before I opened up my dance academy. After getting turned down from job interview after job interview, I decided that I needed a different approach—and it just so happened that Lizzie, Nattie, and Leili had the same frustration that I had. We decided to take it one step higher and go to grad school. Two years later, and we’ve achieved our goal. I’m excited, but I know that my Gramma Jewel is just overjoyed. After all, I am the first in my family to attend and graduate from grad school. And somewhere up in Heaven, my Grampa Clark has already reserved his ringside seat. And to my fellow angels, I say: Congratulations—we done did it!”
Congratulations to Sarah, Natalie, Melissa, and Candace… and we wish you the absolute very best in all that you achieve and accomplish.
It was just this past Friday, May 20, 2011, that I learned about the sudden passing of one of the legends in the wrestling business—“Macho Man” Randy Savage.
I got a chance to see Macho Man up close and personal when I was eleven years old. It was at the Los Angeles Sports Arena where Savage teamed with Sensational Sherri to battle “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes and Sweet Sapphire. Even though I was cheering for Dusty the whole time (I was always a fan of the good guys), I still had to cheer when Macho gave his trademark “Ooooooooooh, yeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhh!” catchphrase.
In keeping with the theme of today’s blog, Howard Allen Douglas pays a tribute to “Macho Man” Randy Savage.
This really comes as a shock to me. This week began on such a sweet note, in that my younger sister Sarah is getting married in September to a man that I am honored to call my brother-in-law. All of a sudden, I have sorrow in my heart, as I mourn the loss of one of my favorite wrestlers of all time, Randy “Macho Man” Savage.
You don’t expect to check your e-mail and get a message that your favorite wrestler has just passed away… it’s just something that you don’t expect. I am deeply saddened by Macho’s loss, but at the same time, I can look back on his career and see how he entertained me as a child. Whether he was wrestling Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat in a classic match at WrestleMania III, or winning a 14-man tournament to become the new champion at WrestleMania IV, Macho caught my attention. Aside from his bright-colored costumes, big crazy-ass sunglasses with “Macho” written across the front, and his cowboy hats, I will never forget how Macho proposed to the lovely Miss Elizabeth in the summer of 1991. I was ten years old at the time, but I made up in my mind that I wanted to find my very own Miss Elizabeth.
Heck, I even remember Macho Man’s feuds with the likes of Ultimate Warrior, Jake “The Snake” Roberts, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, and even guys like Repo Man, Irwin R. Schyster, and Crush. And I will even admit that I used to jump off of my mom and dad’s couch to perform the Macho flying elbowdrop… and I dare any of you to deny that you did the same thing.
Macho was taken away from us too soon, but his legacy still lives on strong, It’s gonna be awful difficult to watch a wrestling match with the Macho Man and not get teary-eyed, but I’ll make the best of it. Thanks for the memories, Macho Man—you were truly the tower of power, too sweet to be sour, funky like a monkey, skyyyyyyyyyyyy’s the limit, and space is the place. It breaks my heart that you had to go so soon, but I appreciate how you entertained me as a hero and a villain.
Long Live The Madness—Ooooooooooooohhhhhhhh, Yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!
Now, I know y’all didn’t think I would let this week slip by without a message from our favorite senior citizen, did y’all?
In today’s blog, we have a special congratulatory message for Duane and Sarah, straight from the heart of Ms. Vivian.
I remember it like it was yesterday. It was the summer of 2008 when the love bug bit Lizzie. She told me about a fella that she met at her job who apparently swept her off her feet. I got a chance to meet young Duane right before he and Lizzie had their first date. Of course, Bret and Howie were playing their roles as overprotective guardians very well, but Susie, Nikki, and I perceived Duane to be a very respectful young man. Duane was certainly a cut above the rest—not only was he in graduate school, but he also had a full-time job. I finally looked at Duane and said, “Baby, did anybody ever tell you that you look like a cross between El Debarge and The Rock?” The Douglases holla’d laughing, and so did Duane. After getting out his laughter, Duane gave me a high-five and said, “You got me, Ma’am—that’s a good one.” He showed me that he had a great sense of humor, so I was sold.
Fast forward to Sunday, May 15, 2011. I was sitting at home watching television when I got a phone call from Nikki to get next door ASAP. I prayed that it wasn’t an emergency, but I still went over to see what was up. Apparently Lizzie had a big announcment, and the suspense was killing us… actually, it was killing Susie more than anyone else. Anyway, Lizzie clasped her hands together and took a deep breath, then she said, “Family, I’ve got some exciting news for you all…”
Lizzie said nothing else, but she showed off her left hand. Automatically I knew what it was—Duane had proposed to Sarah, and Lizzie accepted. Bret, Susie, Howie, Nikki, and I jumped up for joy! I was the first one to hug Lizzie, then I cleaned my glasses so I could get a good look at that gorgeous ring. It was a sparkling silver engagement ring with the August birthstone and the May birthstone in the middle. The Douglases and I were so excited that we trapped Lizzie in a group hug and didn’t let go.
As a close neighbor and confidant to the Douglases, I can say that Lizzie has already picked out her wedding dress and has gone out shopping for the past couple of days. I’m just so happy for her. I remember what it was like to accept the marriage proposal of my knight in shining armor. After we got married, he gave me five children, and I wanted to give back four! But seriously, alls I gotta say is: Congratulations, Duane & Sarah—and may The Good Lord continue to bless your union and your journey on this day, forever, and always.
By the way, y’all: Duane and Sarah wanted me to make the announcement that their wedding will take place on Saturday, September 17, 2011.
As you all are probably aware of, the topic this week is Duane proposing to Sarah, of which the latter said yes. When Bret and Susie Douglas found out that their firstborn daughter was getting married, they could’ve jumped for joy. Likewise, Brandon and Jeanette Anoai were stunned and excited at the same time.
After I posted yesterday’s blog, I interviewed the Douglases and the Anoais, respectively, and here’s what each of them had to say:BRET DOUGLAS: “You know, I gotta admit—as Sarah’s dad, there is no man good enough for my Apple Blossom, but Duane is alright with me. I tell you, Sarah couldn’t have picked a better young man. He told me how he was there to take Sarah to the hospital when she suffered an anxiety attack last summer. He even let me know that he was right by her side. I’m glad that he was there for my Apple Blossom, even though a part of me still wishes that I could’ve been there. Overall, I look at it like this: I didn’t lose a daughter—I gained a son-in-law. Heaven only knows what I’m gonna be thinkin’ when I’m walking Lizzie down the aisle to give her away. I don’t wanna think about it right now, because I’ll start cryin’ again, don’tcha know.”
SUSIE DOUGLAS: “Oh my God in Heaven—my Sarah Elizabeth is getting married! I’ve always dreamt about the day that some handsome sweetheart of a Prince Charming would sweep at least one of my daughters off their feet, and now it’s happened. I’m so excited that I just wanna burst! And you should see Bret—it’s all he could do to keep from crying, and it’s so cute. Now, if we can only find someone for Howie and Nikki, respectively… but for now, I’m excited for Sarah. Oooooooooh-weeeeee, what is a mother to do! First comes love, then comes marriage, and eventually I’m gonna be a gorgeous grandma!”
HOWARD DOUGLAS: “My little sis has gotten engaged. It was assumed that, because of the order of birth, I would be the first to get married, then Lizzie, and finally Nikki. Well, fate has a funny way of showing us that things are not always as they seem. If you want me to be honest about it, I knew that Sarah and Duane would get married because I saw the look in Lizzie’s eyes everytime she talked about him. I’ll admit that I was a bit leery of the brotha—and rightfully so; after all, I am Lizzie’s big brother. But Duane showed through his actions that he wasn’t out to take advantage of Lizzie. I know that Lizzie’s an adult and can make her own mind up, but I still see her as that tow-headed tagalong that wanted to follow me everywhere. I’m gonna miss that, and at the same time, I’m very happy for her. Hey, Duane—I know you’ll do this anyway, but I still gotta say it: Take care of my little sister, because she deserves the very best.”
NIKKI DOUGLAS: “Wow! I’m gonna be a sister-in-law! And eventually, I’m gonna be an auntie. Let’s see—Auntie Nikki… I really like the sound of that. Call it a woman’s intuition, but for some reason, I knew that Duane was gonna ask my big sister to marry him. I always asked Liz what would she say if he ever popped the question to her, and she just shied it off and said, ‘We’ll see when it happens.’ Well, lo and be-doggone-hold—my future brother-in-law popped the question and Liz said yes! Look, I don’t care what part of the wedding I’m in—hell, I don’t even care if I’m in the wedding! As long as I get to witness my sister marry the man of her dreams, I’m cool!”
DAVID QUINN: “Congratulations, Sarah—first for earning your Master’s Degree in Business, and now for getting married. You have truly become that princess that we all knew you would be.”
SANDY DOUGLAS-QUINN: “I don’t care how old you get, Lizzie—you will always be Auntie Sandy’s little pumpkin, and that’s not gonna change. I’m so happy for you. I see that your mom and I have taught you very well, because Duane is fine… ha-ha-ha!”
TIMOTHY QUINN: “Congrats, Cousin Liz—and I love you. I’m really gonna enjoy being a cousin-in-law. Duane’s a good guy, but you already know that.”
BRANDON ANOAI: “My boy’s gettin’ married! My boy’s gettin’ married! And on top of that, my future daughter-in-law is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside… HOT DAMN!!!”
JEANETTE ANOAI: “I don’t know what Sarah did to my son, but I have definitely seen a change in him—personally and spiritually. I’m very happy for my little boy… and I also wanna say officially: Welcome to the family, Sarah.”
OWEN ANOAI: “I can only sum up how I feel in just one phrase—As Duane’s little brother, I still wanna be like him when I grow up. He’s my role model indeed. He showed me through his examples how to be a gentleman and not a playa, and he also showed me how to treat a real lady… and Sarah is as real as they get. Congrats to the both of you.”
JACQUELINE ANOAI: “My big brother finally listened to me—he went out and got me a sister-in-law. Yahoo!”
CURTIS ANOAI: “A great big ol’ congratulations to my nephew and my ‘niece-in-law.’ May God’s Peace shine up you both, as you embark on a new journey together.”
LAUREN TYLER-ANOAI: “Miss Sarah, let me give you a heads-up on the Anoai men—when they marry you, they’ll do anything in the world for you. Welcome to the Anoai Family, Sweetie.”
ANDREW ANOAI: “Congratulations, Cousin DW—and take real good care of Sarah Elizabeth.”
Hey there, Ms. Viv ‘Nim Fanaticals!
One of the greatest joys of being an author is to share the excitement of my characters with others. Now I know how Tyler Perry, Stephen King, and J.K. Rowling feel!
For the past couple of days, there has been excitement in the air about Sarah Elizabeth’s engagement to young Duane Walter Anoai. As you know, Mr. Anoai proposed to Miss Douglas this past Sunday, and the promising princess accepted. Since the engagement, Sarah’s family and friends have been creating such a fuss over her. As a matter of fact, here are some comments from a few well-wishers.CANDACE JONES: “I’ll be damned—Liz is gettin’ married! I thought that I would be the first to jump the broom… LOL! But seriously, I am happy for Liz, because she’s got a good man. So many women would love to have a good man like Duane, but unfortunately are stuck with some losers. Congratulations, Liz—you deserve the very best.”
MELISSA ROBERTS: “My little Lizzie is growing up, and by that, I mean she’s gonna walk that aisle in a lovely white wedding dress. Look, Girl—if you’re lookin’ for a bridesmaid, you know I’ve got your back. Duane, take care of Lizzie, as I know that you will. I’m so happy for the both of you.”
NATALIE MARCELLIA: “I always knew that Liz would get married before me. She’s everything that Duane could ask for—smart, sweet, silly, and special. By the way, Liz—I’m automatically putting my name in the hat for godmother.”
JESSICA TORRES: “Congratulations to Lizzie and Duane. It is my prayer that I find my Prince Charming sometime soon, but until then, I’m gonna celebrate my friend and her future husband.”
MIKE THUNDERA (Sarah’s 8th Grade Teacher): “What’s this I hear about Sarah Elizabeth’s getting married? It seemed like yesterday that she was in my class, preparing to graduate. Wow, time sure does fly by, doesn’t it? Anyway, I want to congratulate Sarah on her engagement, and I want that young man to know that Sarah is truly a princess, so treat her like one. God bless.”
AMY NEWHART: “Sarah, I gotta know—when is the wedding, because I sure as hell wanna be there to support you. Congratulations, Girlie!”
CHUCK FRAZIER: “Congratulations, Miss Liz—and to Young Duane. I’m puttin’ in my RSVP right now!”
REGINA FRAZIER: “Go ‘head, Miss Liz—wit’cha bad self, wit’cha bad self. Let me be straight up and say that marriage is hard work, but if the both of you put in the same amount of love and time, then your marriage will last as long as mine and Chuck’s. By the way: y’all need not look no further for a caterer—Chuck and I got y’all covered!”
CLARENCE BURKALTER: “Lizzie’s gettin’ married? What the hell? Goodness gracious alive—where was I when all the excitement went down? Well, I want to wish Lizzie nothing but the best. I hope the young man who proposed to her knows how much of a crowned jewel she is.”
MAVIS BURKALTER: “All I’ve got to say is this—Lizzie, whatever you did to get him, that’s whatcha gotta do to hold on to him. Congratulations, Sweetheart.” Join us on tomorrow when we hear well-wishes from Sarah's family, as well as Duane's family. Until next time, take care and God Bless!
Hey there, Ms. Viv ‘Nim Fanaticals!
Ever since February’s installment of “The Princess & The Playa,” I have been asked the following questions:
1. How did Sarah’s first date with Duane go?
2. Did the turmoil at Sarah’s job subside, or did it get worse?
3. When will you write a blog answering the afore-mentioned questions?
Well, the best way to answer your questions is to say: As of right now, I am in the process of writing my third book! That’s right—thanks in part to your inquiries and suggestions, I have decided to write my third book, in which the main star is our favorite princess, Sarah Elizabeth. In the meantime, I would like to talk more about Sarah’s engagement to the suave but gentlemanly Duane Anoai.
As I’m sure you are all aware of, the big announcement was made on May 16 that Sarah accepted Duane’s proposal to wear his name. Here’s how it went down:It was just this past Sunday, May 15, 2011. Sarah had just come home from church, and Duane decided to take her to dinner at her favorite restaurant. Although things was going well, Duane was more nervous than Donald Trump at an Obama Family Reunion (LMAO). Towards dinnertime, Sarah went to go freshen up, and Duane used that opportunity wisely—he placed an envelope on her chair. Sarah returned, picked up the envelope and opened its contents. Duane had created a multiple choice quiz for Sarah. The princess was so enthralled in the quiz that by the time she got to the final question, Duane was already on one knee with a lovely engagement ring in his hand.
“Sarah Elizabeth, simply put—I love you. Will you marry me?”
Tears of joy in her eyes, Sarah tried to speak, but was obviously speechless. She simply nodded affirmatively and gave Duane her hand. Duane slid the engagement ring so delicately on her ring finger, and the two shared a sweet kiss. Those who witnessed the proposal up close applauded and cheered for this cute young couple.
Sarah and Duane met in August 2008, but did not become an exclusive couple until May 2009. It was so apropos that such a wonderful blessing was bestowed upon them just two years later.
As of right now, their wedding is set for sometime in September, although the date could change. Stay tuned for more details as this story develops.
And to Duane & Sarah, we would like to say: Congratulations, and God Bless!
Bret and Susan Douglas of Los Angeles, California, are humbled and honored to announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Sarah Elizabeth Douglas, to Mr. Duane Walter Anoai, son of Brandon and Jeanette Anoai, also of Los Angeles, California. A September wedding is in the making.
Sarah, a 2006 graduate of Cal State Northridge, is set to earn her MBA from Goss University. She is also in the process of writing her very first book.
Duane, a 2002 graduate of UCLA who earned his MBA at Hayes University, works as a data entry operator in Inglewood.
Stay tuned for more information during the week.