After I posted yesterday’s blog, I interviewed the Douglases and the Anoais, respectively, and here’s what each of them had to say:
BRET DOUGLAS: “You know, I gotta admit—as Sarah’s dad, there is no man good enough for my Apple Blossom, but Duane is alright with me. I tell you, Sarah couldn’t have picked a better young man. He told me how he was there to take Sarah to the hospital when she suffered an anxiety attack last summer. He even let me know that he was right by her side. I’m glad that he was there for my Apple Blossom, even though a part of me still wishes that I could’ve been there. Overall, I look at it like this: I didn’t lose a daughter—I gained a son-in-law. Heaven only knows what I’m gonna be thinkin’ when I’m walking Lizzie down the aisle to give her away. I don’t wanna think about it right now, because I’ll start cryin’ again, don’tcha know.”
SUSIE DOUGLAS: “Oh my God in Heaven—my Sarah Elizabeth is getting married! I’ve always dreamt about the day that some handsome sweetheart of a Prince Charming would sweep at least one of my daughters off their feet, and now it’s happened. I’m so excited that I just wanna burst! And you should see Bret—it’s all he could do to keep from crying, and it’s so cute. Now, if we can only find someone for Howie and Nikki, respectively… but for now, I’m excited for Sarah. Oooooooooh-weeeeee, what is a mother to do! First comes love, then comes marriage, and eventually I’m gonna be a gorgeous grandma!”
HOWARD DOUGLAS: “My little sis has gotten engaged. It was assumed that, because of the order of birth, I would be the first to get married, then Lizzie, and finally Nikki. Well, fate has a funny way of showing us that things are not always as they seem. If you want me to be honest about it, I knew that Sarah and Duane would get married because I saw the look in Lizzie’s eyes everytime she talked about him. I’ll admit that I was a bit leery of the brotha—and rightfully so; after all, I am Lizzie’s big brother. But Duane showed through his actions that he wasn’t out to take advantage of Lizzie. I know that Lizzie’s an adult and can make her own mind up, but I still see her as that tow-headed tagalong that wanted to follow me everywhere. I’m gonna miss that, and at the same time, I’m very happy for her. Hey, Duane—I know you’ll do this anyway, but I still gotta say it: Take care of my little sister, because she deserves the very best.”
NIKKI DOUGLAS: “Wow! I’m gonna be a sister-in-law! And eventually, I’m gonna be an auntie. Let’s see—Auntie Nikki… I really like the sound of that. Call it a woman’s intuition, but for some reason, I knew that Duane was gonna ask my big sister to marry him. I always asked Liz what would she say if he ever popped the question to her, and she just shied it off and said, ‘We’ll see when it happens.’ Well, lo and be-doggone-hold—my future brother-in-law popped the question and Liz said yes! Look, I don’t care what part of the wedding I’m in—hell, I don’t even care if I’m in the wedding! As long as I get to witness my sister marry the man of her dreams, I’m cool!”
DAVID QUINN: “Congratulations, Sarah—first for earning your Master’s Degree in Business, and now for getting married. You have truly become that princess that we all knew you would be.”
SANDY DOUGLAS-QUINN: “I don’t care how old you get, Lizzie—you will always be Auntie Sandy’s little pumpkin, and that’s not gonna change. I’m so happy for you. I see that your mom and I have taught you very well, because Duane is fine… ha-ha-ha!”
TIMOTHY QUINN: “Congrats, Cousin Liz—and I love you. I’m really gonna enjoy being a cousin-in-law. Duane’s a good guy, but you already know that.”
BRANDON ANOAI: “My boy’s gettin’ married! My boy’s gettin’ married! And on top of that, my future daughter-in-law is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside… HOT DAMN!!!”
JEANETTE ANOAI: “I don’t know what Sarah did to my son, but I have definitely seen a change in him—personally and spiritually. I’m very happy for my little boy… and I also wanna say officially: Welcome to the family, Sarah.”
OWEN ANOAI: “I can only sum up how I feel in just one phrase—As Duane’s little brother, I still wanna be like him when I grow up. He’s my role model indeed. He showed me through his examples how to be a gentleman and not a playa, and he also showed me how to treat a real lady… and Sarah is as real as they get. Congrats to the both of you.”
JACQUELINE ANOAI: “My big brother finally listened to me—he went out and got me a sister-in-law. Yahoo!”
CURTIS ANOAI: “A great big ol’ congratulations to my nephew and my ‘niece-in-law.’ May God’s Peace shine up you both, as you embark on a new journey together.”
LAUREN TYLER-ANOAI: “Miss Sarah, let me give you a heads-up on the Anoai men—when they marry you, they’ll do anything in the world for you. Welcome to the Anoai Family, Sweetie.”
ANDREW ANOAI: “Congratulations, Cousin DW—and take real good care of Sarah Elizabeth.”
awe...this is really funny and cute...I love it!