Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Excited & Thrilled, Yet Still Humble

Before I get into my subject, I just want to express how truly grateful I am to God for helping me turn my dream into reality. Mark 9:23 says that "all things are possible to them that believe," and I am a living witness to this particular scripture.

Now that Simply Bret has finally arrived, the real work begins-- so I have been told. As I was finalizing everything with my publishing consultant, she expressed how thrilled and how happy she was for me that my first book was finally published. I told her, "It truly has been a long time coming, but yes-- we have finally arrived." Upon hearing my comments, my publishing consultant said to me, "Oh, Nicholas-- stop being so humble! Jump up and down! Scream to the heavens-- this is your moment; you've earned it!"

My publishing consultant has a point-- I truly have earned this moment, but at the same time, I know that I have to keep a cool, calm and collected attitude towards the whole ordeal. Don't get me wrong-- I am very excited that the world will get to know Bret, Susie, Howard, Sarah, Nikki, and Ms. Vivian... and let me apologize if I am not as excited as everyone would like me to be, but the reason for my current attitude is simple: I know that I didn't do all of this by myself. The thought of writing Simply Bret is a blessing from God, and without Him, I am nothing. Notwithstanding The Lord's grace and mercy, I know that my family, friends, church, and my alma mater Rust College have given me the love, support, and encouragement since before I created Simply Bret. Y'all just don't know how good a feeling that is to me.

Ten years ago, when I was an immature youngster, I gloated big time and stated that it was "all about me," but here it is-- a full decade later, and not only do I have a little experience under my belt, but I am also a lot more humble. Again, I am very excited that Simply Bret is here, and I do admit that being "broke-off rich" would be great, but I understand that The Lord requires of me to handle my "celebrity status" in a mature and humble manner.

This is just my perception, but I contend that most celebrities are so messed up on account of they have let the fame and fortune go to their head; they have forgotten how to be humble, and dare I say: They have also forgotten about "once upon a time." Most of today's celebrities feel that it's all about them and no one else. I made a promise to myself that, in the event Simply Bret becomes a #1 best seller, I would still be the same Nicholas Semaj Johnson. Besides, I know for a fact that when I first started writing Simply Bret, it was nothing more than therapy to help me deal with the sudden passing of my Aunt Rosie, and the thought of becoming a best-selling author never really crossed my mind. All I knew was that I had a dream to write and publish my very first book. Well, lo and behold-- my dream has come true before my very eyes. When you all expressed how excited you are for me, I just humbly smile and give God the glory. Sometimes, I do jump around and shout a bit, but deep down, I just know that for the most part, I am living out my dream. I still stand behind what I said earlier: In the event I do become a celebrity, or if I have a book signing... even if I am a guest on Oprah or Live with Regis & Kelly, I will make sure that my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is in the picture, closely seconded by those of you who encouraged me to keep reaching for those stars.

Simply put: Thank you all-- a million times, thank you!

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