Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Celebrating Tea & Dallin

With the celebration of Simply Bret, I must acknowledge two inspirational people behind the scenes-- Cecil & Rosie Quinn, otherwise known to my family and friends as Aunt Tea and Uncle Dallin'.

Most of you know that Simply Bret is dedicated to their loving memory. I've talked about them so much that some of you who never met them act as though you have met them. They were so influential to me that only after their transition to Glory, I was informed that they were my godparents; now they are my guardian angels, smiling down on me from Heaven. Even now, I cannot help but to think about how far I've come in this journey. It seemed like yesterday I was just writing this book, and here it is, March 2, 2010, and my dream has finally come true. You would think that I would be glad-- and I am-- but I must admit: if I'm not reaching for the phone, I'm shedding some tears, because Aunt Tea and Uncle Cecil cross my mind. I know that they're looking down from Heaven, just a-smilin' away, as happy for me as you all are. At the same time, though, I still miss their physical presence. I miss hearing their voice. I miss hearing Uncle Cecil shout out: "Hot Damn!" everytime something good happens to me. I miss hearing Aunt Tea say in her sweet, loving voice: "I'm so proud of you, Baby!"

Call me selfish, but this is how I feel. I know that I'll see them again in Glory, but I just miss them so much. I know that no one can ever take the place of Aunt Tea and Uncle Cecil, but even now, I can still hear their voices so clearly, as though they never left me.

Rest assured, at my first book signing, I will look up to the heavens and say: Aunt Tea & Uncle Cecil-- this is for y'all!

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