Hey there, Ms. Viv 'Nim Fanaticals!
Even though Valentine’s Day has come and gone, I’ve got yet another story for you all. This is a story about a sweetheart of a gal, and a young man with a romantic dream.
Disclaimer: I wrote this short story in 2008, while I was working on Simply Bret.
Kevin Frazier always had a crush on Sarah Elizabeth, and it began on that day he saw her taking pictures for her prom in 2003. He fashioned her as his Cinderella, and he always dreamt about the day that he would sweep her off her feet and ask her to marry him. There was just one problem—Sarah was in her mid-twenties, and Kevin was a little fella… that is to say, Kevin was in the Fifth Grade.
One afternoon, Sarah came home from work and noticed a pink rose in the door and a sweet little note in the mailbox.
Dear Sarah:
I think you are a very pretty girl. You remind me of Cinderella. Your eyes are as blue as the sky, your lips are as red as strawberries, and your hair is as golden as the afternoon sun. It would mean a lot to me if you were my Valentine this year.
Your Secret Admirer,
“Awwwwwww—what a sweetie!” Sarah blushed, obviously knowing who her secret admirer was. When she told her mom and dad about the note, Bret chuckled and said, “You don’t know what kinda power you have, Apple Blossom.” Susie took out her cellphone and pretended to call a wedding planner. Sarah made up in her mind that she would make young Kevin’s dream come true on Valentine’s Day, so she called him and made arrangements. Sarah couldn’t see through the phone, but she assumed that Kevin must’ve leapt for joy, judging by the little fella’s cheerful exclamation of “Yahoo-hoo-hoo!” After calming down, Kevin suggested that he treat Sarah to a simple lunch at Pizza/Wing/Subs.
On the day of his Valentine’s date, Kevin was all dressed up—such as it was: blue jeans, his favorite red shirt, and a navy blue hooded sweater. Sarah had on her yellow sundress with orange sweater and matching open-toed shoes. When she knocked on the door, Kevin answered and stood in awe.
“Wow, Sarah—you’re very pretty. You look like a sunset.”
“Thank you, Kevin—you look sharp yourself.”
Kevin grinned, then he asked his mom to take a picture of him and his “future wife.” Mrs. Frazier shook her head and laughed, but she took a pretty damn good picture of the two. Always wanting to look photogenic, Sarah struck a supermodel pose—her hand on her hip and her hair brushed back. Kevin was so giddy that he couldn’t help himself. He went on ahead and hugged Sarah’s waist. Sarah chuckled and pinched Kevin on his cheek. After the impromptu photo shoot, Kevin’s dad gave him thirty dollars to treat Sarah, and wished him well.
Upon arriving at Pizza/Wing/Subs, Kevin insisted that he escort Sarah into the “fine eating establishment.” Sarah smiled and took Kevin’s arm as they headed towards their destination. When they sat a table, Sarah complimented how Kevin was such a gentleman. Kevin grinned and said, “Well, my dad says that chivalry is the best way to impress a pretty lady, especially one as pretty as you.”
“Awwwwwww, so sweet!” Sarah smiled. “Tell me, Kevin—why did you choose me to be your Valentine, when you could’ve chosen any girl in your class?”
With his head held down, Kevin sighed and said, “Well, Sarah—to be honest, the girls in my class don’t like me too much. They call me names and say that I have cooties, and the boys in my class always talk about how I’ll never get a girl when I grow up because I suck. Besides, as long as I’ve known you—and it hasn’t been that long—you have always been nice to me. You’re the only girl I know that speaks to me and calls me by my name.”
As Sarah listened to Kevin talk, she couldn’t help but notice the sincerity in his eyes. She knew that Kevin had a crush on her, but it was much more than that. Kevin saw Sarah’s inner beauty. Sarah was more than just a pretty face; she left quite an impressionable mark on the young lad’s heart.
“Kevin, I am so flattered that you would think that of me,” Sarah said as she caught his hand. “Listen, Sweetheart: You don’t ever have to worry about me, because I’m always gonna be there for you. Now, for obvious reasons, we can’t be boyfriend and girlfriend…”
“Aw, man!” Kevin pouted. “Why not?”
“Well, Kevin—by the time you graduate from college, I’ll be close to 40!”
“But you’ll still be beautiful, Sarah.”
Sarah blushed and pinched Kevin on his cheek.
“Awwwww, such a sweetie!” she smiled. “But no matter how much you try to catch up to me, I’m always gonna be older than you. But hey—I will always be your crush.”
“I guess that’ll have to work,” Kevin nodded.
Suddenly, two Fifth Graders walked inside Pizza/Wing/Subs with chaperones. When Kevin spotted them, he tried to duck and hide. Sarah knew automatically that the two kids were Kevin’s fellow classmates, so she whispered something to him. Kevin grinned and nodded appreciatively, as his fellow Fifth Graders walked over to him. The young man was so busy gawking at Sarah that he unhinged his Valentine.
“Whoa, Kevin—who’s the hot babe?”
“What up, Roy? What up, Shannon? I’d like you both to meet Sarah, my Valentine.”
Sarah snuggled up to Kevin and said, “That’s right—I’m his Valentine, and he’s my hot stuff.”
To make it more convincing, Kevin wrapped his arms around Sarah, and nonchalantly rested his head against her bust to seal the deal. Roy was at a loss for words. Shannon was so shocked that she muttered under her breath, “I’ll be damned—Kevin’s chick is hotter than me!” As for Kevin, he decided to take it one step further and kiss Sarah on her cheek. Roy and Shannon looked at each other and walked away shamefully to find their chaperones.
After the date (such as it was), Kevin thanked Sarah for being his Valentine, and for boosting up his self-esteem. Sarah pinched Kevin’s cheeks and said, “Anytime, Kevin. By the way: I want you to promise me that you will continue to stay a gentleman, because an all-true woman is always looking for an all-true man. And trust me when I tell you—when you get older, all the lovely honies will be fighting over you in Royal Rumble fashion.”
“Thanks, Sarah—I’ll remember that,” Kevin said as he kissed Sarah on the cheek.
From the author of "Simply Bret" and "Life, Love, & Strawberry Seven-Up Cake," get to know Bret, Susie, Howard, Sarah, Nikki, and Ms. Vivian up close and personal.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
The Princess and The Playa, The Conclusion

And now, the conclusion of “The Princess and The Playa.”
When Sarah got home that evening, she couldn’t wait to call Natalie and Melissa. She even started humming “Baby Baby” by Amy Grant as she fished in the closet for the right thing to wear for her first date. Natalie and Melissa teased Sarah, saying that they needed to meet Duane up close and personal. Sarah informed Natalie and Melissa that Duane had to pass “the daddy test.” There was no way that Bret would allow his daughter out on a date unless he saw the young man for himself.
Throughout the rest of the week, Sarah was in great spirits when she went to work. When Wendell asked Sarah what all the excitement was about, Sarah said, “It’s none of your business—nothing personal.” Wendell looked at Sarah and grit his teeth, then he walked into his office. Sarah figured that she was on such a natural high that she would do everything in her power to cut off as much negativity as possible. All she was concerned with was her upcoming date with Duane. Sarah later admitted to herself that she could’ve been a little more diplomatic with her delivery towards Wendell, but as far as she was concerned, Wendell got what he deserved. Towards the end of the work day, Sarah grabbed her purse and shut off her computer. When Wendell asked Sarah if she had any plans for the weekend, Sarah simply turned and walked out the door. She figured that she would rather ignore Wendell completely than speak her mind.
The big date had finally arrived, and Sarah was as giddy as a schoolgirl. Duane sent her a text saying that he would be by to pick her up at six-thirty that evening. Sarah responded: “Okey-Dokey.” She also reminded Duane that her parents were ol’ skool traditionalists. Bret and Susie believed in the old adage of knocking on doors and meeting the parents, regardless if it was a date. “Oh, and Duane—you might also get a surprise visit from my godmother.”
When six o’clock came, someone rang the doorbell. Sarah ran upstairs and got ready. She came back downstairs, just to say, “Keep him company for me, and Daddy—be nice to him, please?”
“I’ll do the best I can, Apple Blossom,” Bret said with a stoic look.
“Me too!” her big brother Howard added as he walked up to the front door.
Once Sarah was out of sight, Howard opened the door—it was Ms. Vivian. She hugged Howard and said, “I just gotta see this here Prince Charming that’s done swept Lizzie off her feet.”
Ten minutes later, the doorbell rang again. Ms. Viv opened the door.
“Hi, Honey,” she said. “How may I help you?”
“Hi. My name is Duane Anoai, and I’m taking Miss Sarah out tonight.”
Bret and Howard looked at each other with their arms crossed, then they turned their attention to Duane. Bret softened up a bit and said, “Nice to meet’cha, Son. Go ahead and have a seat—Sarah will be down in a minute.”
As Duane sat down, Susie apologized for Bret and Howard’s behavior (such as it was) and offered Duane a glass of water. Duane politely passed, but appreciated the offer. Ms. Viv chuckled to herself, then she looked at Duane and said, “Okay, Lord knows I tried, but I can’t fight it. Honey, did anyone ever tell you that you look like a cross between El DeBarge and The Rock?”
Howard cried laughing and fell over on the couch. Bret tried to quickly turn away but wound up chuckling in the process. Susie pretended to clear her throat, but eventually broke down and laughed her tail off. Duane laughed himself, then he nodded and said, “That’s a good one, Ma’am—I gotta give you props for that.”
“Well, he done passed my test,” Ms. Viv said as she pat Duane on the shoulder. “But seriously, Honey—you could pass off to be The Rock’s baby brother. All you need are the millions…and millions of fans chanting your name.”
As Ms. Viv and the Douglases chatted away, Nikki came downstairs. When she saw Duane, she almost tripped. Fortunately, she caught her balance, then said, “Liz asked me to let Duane know that she’ll be down momentarily.” Ten minutes later, Sarah called from upstairs: “Here I come, everyone!”
Sarah walked down the steps and did a supermodel spin, to the delight of everyone in the living room. When Sarah stepped forward, she put her hand on her hip and winked. Bret, Susie, Howard, Nikki, and Ms. Viv stood up and applauded while Duane merely nodded in appreciation. Sarah was wearing a lovely turquoise sundress with matching open-toed shoes and earrings, and a dark purple sweater with matching purse. Perhaps it was a coincidence, but Duane was wearing navy blue slacks and an aqua cabana shirt. Sarah and Duane took a good look at each other and marveled at how they were so color coordinated. Ms. Viv hugged Sarah and Duane, then said, “Y’all didn’t need to plan this—great minds always think alike.”
Sarah and Duane looked at each other and laughed, then Duane said, “Mr. and Mrs. Douglas, I promise that I will have Lizzie home before ten this evening.”
Bret softened up some more and said, “I tell you what, Son—have her home by eleven.”
Sarah’s eyes lit up and she kissed Bret on the cheek. Duane humbly thanked Bret and shook his hand. Before Bret let go, however, he looked at Duane over his glasses and said, “I’m holding you responsible, Son.”
“Yes, Sir,” Duane said. “I understand how you feel. My dad, my brother, and I feel the same way when my baby sister Jackie goes out on dates. So trust me, I will have Miss Sarah home safe and sound.”
Susie, Nikki, and Ms. Viv smiled, while Bret and Howard looked at each other and nodded. As everyone wished Sarah and Duane well, Bret pointed at Duane as if to say, “Don’t forget, now—I’m trusting you.” As Sarah and Duane drove off, the Douglases and Ms. Viv waved at them, then talked amongst themselves about how respectful and cordial Duane was.
Meanwhile, in Duane’s car, Sarah inquired on the plans for the evening. Duane said, “Well, Liz—I remembered the other day when you said that you love to write, so I figured we would hit up this place called ‘Eat & Write.’ It’s like a poetry and restaurant in one.”
“Ooh—sounds interesting,” Sarah said as she raised her eyebrow.
We hope you've enjoyed “The Princess and The Playa.” Join us on Tuesday, February 22, 2010 for another romance story—right here on Ms. Viv 'Nim. Take care and God Bless.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
The Princess and The Playa, Part Four
Previously on “The Princess and The Playa,” Sarah was still riding high on Cloud Nine after that wonderful encounter with Duane. As she anticipated their first lunch date, she still faced hell on her job with Wendell and Brenda. Would she be able to ignore the negativity and focus on the good?
Let’s all find out together, as we take you to Part Four of “The Princess and The Playa.”
It was Wednesday, and Sarah was all smiles. In a few hours time, she would have her big lunch date with Duane, and she knew just what to wear. She picked out her “sunset” sundress. She gave it this nickname on account of the blends of orange, fuchsia, and purple. Sarah accentuated the sundress with a lovely purple sweater, matching purse. and orange open-toed shoes. She had painted her nails in fuchsia the day before. She checked herself out in the mirror, swiveling her hips and blowing a kiss to reflection.
As usual, Sarah got to work early, so she went about her normal routine and finished up ten minutes before time to open. She sent a text to Natalie and Melissa: “Girls, today is the big day—pray for me.” Natalie and Melissa replied with almost the same response: “You be sure to tell us every little detail about Mr. Duane, LOL!.”
As soon as Sarah opened the door, she took a deep breath and said a prayer. Nothing changed—Wendell was still acting like a douche bag, and Brenda was still on the right road to a good ass-kicking. However, Sarah remained calm and professional, though it wasn’t easy. As Sarah was doing her work, she thought about walking out on the job right then and there, but she thought better of it. She even thought about cussing out Wendell and Brenda, but thankfully she didn’t. Besides, she wanted to be in great spirits when Duane stopped by her office.
Around 11:55 a.m., Duane walked into her office with an orange rose. Sarah put her hand over her heart and batted her eyes, as a flirtatious smile ran across her face. Her knight in shining armor had arrived.
“Are we ready, Miss Sarah?” Duane asked as he raised one eyebrow.
“Ooh… Lord, yes!” Sarah answered as she grabbed her purse and let Wendell know that she was heading to lunch. In the process of leaving, Sarah subconsciously hooked on to Duane’s arm. Duane smiled at the gesture, but that’s about all he did.
Duane took Sarah to the pizza place that he suggested, and even offered to pay for her lunch. Sarah didn’t want to put Duane through that trouble, but she appreciated the offer. Perhaps it was fate, or maybe it was just a coincidence, but they both got the pizza pita special with a side salad and garlic bread. As they enjoyed their lunch, Duane told Sarah a little about himself—he was born and raised in Los Angeles, the eldest of three, and he was also the first in his family to attend graduate school. He was also a big sports fan; his favorite athlete was Trevor Armstrong of the Los Angeles Condors.
It was Sarah’s turn to tell a little about herself. She only mentioned that she was the middle child of three, and that she was born to write. “There’s a running joke in my family that I was born with a notepad in one hand and a pen in the other,” she chuckled.
If only for one hour, Sarah was able to forget about her problems and enjoy a wonderful lunch date with Duane. Amidst the conversation, Sarah found herself genuinely giggling at Duane’s witticisms and jokes. Duane couldn’t help but acknowledge Sarah’s gorgeous laugh, even pointing out the way Sarah’s crystal blue eyes twinkled when she smiled. As Sarah began to blush, Duane said, “And my goodness—even your nose is cute.”
“Awwwwwwww—thanks, Duane. That’s really sweet of you to say,” Sarah said as she put her hand over her heart. “I wish I could just go home after this, but I gotta go back to that hellhole. I’m trying not to think about it.”
“Can’t be that bad, can it, Liz?” Duane asked.
Sarah sighed and dropped her head in disbelief. With genuine concern, Duane caught Sarah by the hand and asked if everything was okay. Sarah took another deep breath and briefly explained to Duane the hell that she had been going through at work. “Something’s got to give, Duane,” Sarah lamented. “But I’m holdin’ out as long as I can, at least until my change comes.”
“Liz, your blessing is on its way,” Duane said as he lightly squeezed her hand. “There’s a reason why you’re going through what you’re going through, and trust me when I tell ya—God’s got something big in store for you.”
“That’s what my pastor said at church this past Sunday,” Sarah said as she looked up to the heavens. “I just hope it gets here soon.”
“It will, Liz—it will,” Duane assured her as he lightly caught her by the chin. “You just keep your head up and keep on shinin’ through the darkness.”
“Thanks for listenin’, Duane,” Sarah said, as she leaned over and kissed Duane on the cheek. Duane looked at Sarah and raised his one eyebrow, then he nodded appreciatively.
Well, Sarah had ten minutes left in her lunch break, so Duane drove her back to her office. Sarah picked up her purse and her orange rose, and thanked Duane for a lovely lunch. Just as she was about to walk into her building…
“Oh, Liz—I almost forgot!”
Sarah turned around, and Duane approached her. He caught her by the hand and said, “I hope you’re not busy this weekend, because I’d like to get to know you a little better.”
“I’d love that,” Sarah said as her eyes sparkled. “I’ll call you this evening after I leave Bible Study.”
“It’s a date!” Duane said as he squeezed her hand and kissed it, then he returned to his car.
On her way to her office, Sarah sent Natalie and Melissa a text message: “Girls, is it possible to be on Cloud Ten?”
Natalie responded: “Oooooh, Girl! Do tell!”
Melissa responded: “I’m callin’ you soon as I clock out!”
Let’s all find out together, as we take you to Part Four of “The Princess and The Playa.”
It was Wednesday, and Sarah was all smiles. In a few hours time, she would have her big lunch date with Duane, and she knew just what to wear. She picked out her “sunset” sundress. She gave it this nickname on account of the blends of orange, fuchsia, and purple. Sarah accentuated the sundress with a lovely purple sweater, matching purse. and orange open-toed shoes. She had painted her nails in fuchsia the day before. She checked herself out in the mirror, swiveling her hips and blowing a kiss to reflection.
As usual, Sarah got to work early, so she went about her normal routine and finished up ten minutes before time to open. She sent a text to Natalie and Melissa: “Girls, today is the big day—pray for me.” Natalie and Melissa replied with almost the same response: “You be sure to tell us every little detail about Mr. Duane, LOL!.”
As soon as Sarah opened the door, she took a deep breath and said a prayer. Nothing changed—Wendell was still acting like a douche bag, and Brenda was still on the right road to a good ass-kicking. However, Sarah remained calm and professional, though it wasn’t easy. As Sarah was doing her work, she thought about walking out on the job right then and there, but she thought better of it. She even thought about cussing out Wendell and Brenda, but thankfully she didn’t. Besides, she wanted to be in great spirits when Duane stopped by her office.
Around 11:55 a.m., Duane walked into her office with an orange rose. Sarah put her hand over her heart and batted her eyes, as a flirtatious smile ran across her face. Her knight in shining armor had arrived.
“Are we ready, Miss Sarah?” Duane asked as he raised one eyebrow.
“Ooh… Lord, yes!” Sarah answered as she grabbed her purse and let Wendell know that she was heading to lunch. In the process of leaving, Sarah subconsciously hooked on to Duane’s arm. Duane smiled at the gesture, but that’s about all he did.
Duane took Sarah to the pizza place that he suggested, and even offered to pay for her lunch. Sarah didn’t want to put Duane through that trouble, but she appreciated the offer. Perhaps it was fate, or maybe it was just a coincidence, but they both got the pizza pita special with a side salad and garlic bread. As they enjoyed their lunch, Duane told Sarah a little about himself—he was born and raised in Los Angeles, the eldest of three, and he was also the first in his family to attend graduate school. He was also a big sports fan; his favorite athlete was Trevor Armstrong of the Los Angeles Condors.
It was Sarah’s turn to tell a little about herself. She only mentioned that she was the middle child of three, and that she was born to write. “There’s a running joke in my family that I was born with a notepad in one hand and a pen in the other,” she chuckled.
If only for one hour, Sarah was able to forget about her problems and enjoy a wonderful lunch date with Duane. Amidst the conversation, Sarah found herself genuinely giggling at Duane’s witticisms and jokes. Duane couldn’t help but acknowledge Sarah’s gorgeous laugh, even pointing out the way Sarah’s crystal blue eyes twinkled when she smiled. As Sarah began to blush, Duane said, “And my goodness—even your nose is cute.”
“Awwwwwwww—thanks, Duane. That’s really sweet of you to say,” Sarah said as she put her hand over her heart. “I wish I could just go home after this, but I gotta go back to that hellhole. I’m trying not to think about it.”
“Can’t be that bad, can it, Liz?” Duane asked.
Sarah sighed and dropped her head in disbelief. With genuine concern, Duane caught Sarah by the hand and asked if everything was okay. Sarah took another deep breath and briefly explained to Duane the hell that she had been going through at work. “Something’s got to give, Duane,” Sarah lamented. “But I’m holdin’ out as long as I can, at least until my change comes.”
“Liz, your blessing is on its way,” Duane said as he lightly squeezed her hand. “There’s a reason why you’re going through what you’re going through, and trust me when I tell ya—God’s got something big in store for you.”
“That’s what my pastor said at church this past Sunday,” Sarah said as she looked up to the heavens. “I just hope it gets here soon.”
“It will, Liz—it will,” Duane assured her as he lightly caught her by the chin. “You just keep your head up and keep on shinin’ through the darkness.”
“Thanks for listenin’, Duane,” Sarah said, as she leaned over and kissed Duane on the cheek. Duane looked at Sarah and raised his one eyebrow, then he nodded appreciatively.
Well, Sarah had ten minutes left in her lunch break, so Duane drove her back to her office. Sarah picked up her purse and her orange rose, and thanked Duane for a lovely lunch. Just as she was about to walk into her building…
“Oh, Liz—I almost forgot!”
Sarah turned around, and Duane approached her. He caught her by the hand and said, “I hope you’re not busy this weekend, because I’d like to get to know you a little better.”
“I’d love that,” Sarah said as her eyes sparkled. “I’ll call you this evening after I leave Bible Study.”
“It’s a date!” Duane said as he squeezed her hand and kissed it, then he returned to his car.
On her way to her office, Sarah sent Natalie and Melissa a text message: “Girls, is it possible to be on Cloud Ten?”
Natalie responded: “Oooooh, Girl! Do tell!”
Melissa responded: “I’m callin’ you soon as I clock out!”
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The Princess & The Playa, Part Three
Previously on “The Princess and The Playa,” Sarah got a chance to converse with the young man who walked into her office. He introduced himself as Duane Anoai, and it was his last year in grad school. The two young people got to know each other a little bit, and then Duane boldly (but respectfully) asked Sarah out for a lunch date. Sarah accepted, and her heart began to soar above the clouds.
And now, we take you to Part Three of “The Princess and The Playa.”
Sarah was still blushing like crazy. Arnold jokingly said, “Sarah, I sure hope that you’re able to finish all your work today. You’re brighter than the tinsel on a Christmas tree.”
Sarah couldn’t help but to blush. Young Duane had made her day, and it showed. “Arnold, nothing could ruin my day,” she said.
Perhaps she spoke too soon.
Brenda stormed out of her office and walked up to Sarah, as furious as could be. Unwavering in her demeanor, Sarah continued talking to Arnold. Brenda then rudely interrupted Arnold and said, “Sarah, I wanna know what the hell you meant by those comments you made earlier!”
Sarah still continued talking to Arnold.
“Sarah, I know you hear me—I said, what did you m…”
“So anyway, Arnold, I thought I would wear this dress today, just to show my sunny personality.”
Brenda got so frustrated that eventually she turned belligerent. However, Sarah kept her cool and again blatantly ignored Brenda as if she was the measles. Brenda gave up and stormed into Wendell’s office, slamming the door very hard. When Arnold questioned what was wrong with Brenda, Sarah simply said, “I guess Brenda’s still upset that she was picked last in kickball when she was in pre-school.” Arnold laughed, then he wished Sarah well and returned to his office.
No doubt that Sarah was still on Cloud Nine, but she was able to concentrate on her work. When she got a break, she sent a text to Natalie and Melissa about her upcoming lunch date with Duane. Natalie’s response: “Look out, Miss Liz!” Melissa’s response: “Girl, you betta go for it!”
The next day at work was more or less the same, except when Sarah walked in the office at her usual time, she was singing “Baby Baby” by Amy Grant. An hour later, Wendell walked in and asked to speak with her. When Sarah inquired on the reason, all Wendell had to do was say “Brenda,” and Sarah’s mood changed.
“Wendell, I’m in a good mood today, and I don’t want it spoiled.”
“Well, Brenda said that yesterday, you…”
“Wendell, don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t really care what Brenda had to say. I’m gettin’ pretty damn sick and tired of havin’ my integrity questioned for every trivial thing around here. It’s gonna stop, and it’s gonna stop now!”
Wendell walked away and went into his office, as Sarah’s heart started to beat like crazy. All of a sudden, her cellphone buzzed. It was a text message from Duane.
“Hey, Miss Sarah. Hope all is well.”
Sarah’s eyes lit up and her smile returned. She responded: “Hey, Duane. Thanks for checkin’ up on me.”
Duane’s text: “I know a great pizza place that we can go to for lunch tomorrow. Are you down?”
Sarah’s response: “As long as I can escape my professional hell for at least an hour.”
Duane’s reply: “LOL! Hang in there. I’ll stop by your office by noon tomorrow.”
Sarah’s response: “OK, see you then. BTW: You can call me Liz if you like.”
Sarah’s interest began to rise in the brief texting conversation. She soon found herself anticipating the big lunch date. In spite of her excitement, Sarah was still frustrated at her job. She questioned why she was suffering like she was. Wendell had questioned her integrity for the last time, and Brenda was on the right road to a good ass-whuppin’. It seemed like everytime Sarah gave her co-workers the benefit of the doubt, they went and did something else stupid. As far as Sarah was concerned, her lunch date with Duane was her last hope.
And now, we take you to Part Three of “The Princess and The Playa.”
Sarah was still blushing like crazy. Arnold jokingly said, “Sarah, I sure hope that you’re able to finish all your work today. You’re brighter than the tinsel on a Christmas tree.”
Sarah couldn’t help but to blush. Young Duane had made her day, and it showed. “Arnold, nothing could ruin my day,” she said.
Perhaps she spoke too soon.
Brenda stormed out of her office and walked up to Sarah, as furious as could be. Unwavering in her demeanor, Sarah continued talking to Arnold. Brenda then rudely interrupted Arnold and said, “Sarah, I wanna know what the hell you meant by those comments you made earlier!”
Sarah still continued talking to Arnold.
“Sarah, I know you hear me—I said, what did you m…”
“So anyway, Arnold, I thought I would wear this dress today, just to show my sunny personality.”
Brenda got so frustrated that eventually she turned belligerent. However, Sarah kept her cool and again blatantly ignored Brenda as if she was the measles. Brenda gave up and stormed into Wendell’s office, slamming the door very hard. When Arnold questioned what was wrong with Brenda, Sarah simply said, “I guess Brenda’s still upset that she was picked last in kickball when she was in pre-school.” Arnold laughed, then he wished Sarah well and returned to his office.
No doubt that Sarah was still on Cloud Nine, but she was able to concentrate on her work. When she got a break, she sent a text to Natalie and Melissa about her upcoming lunch date with Duane. Natalie’s response: “Look out, Miss Liz!” Melissa’s response: “Girl, you betta go for it!”
The next day at work was more or less the same, except when Sarah walked in the office at her usual time, she was singing “Baby Baby” by Amy Grant. An hour later, Wendell walked in and asked to speak with her. When Sarah inquired on the reason, all Wendell had to do was say “Brenda,” and Sarah’s mood changed.
“Wendell, I’m in a good mood today, and I don’t want it spoiled.”
“Well, Brenda said that yesterday, you…”
“Wendell, don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t really care what Brenda had to say. I’m gettin’ pretty damn sick and tired of havin’ my integrity questioned for every trivial thing around here. It’s gonna stop, and it’s gonna stop now!”
Wendell walked away and went into his office, as Sarah’s heart started to beat like crazy. All of a sudden, her cellphone buzzed. It was a text message from Duane.
“Hey, Miss Sarah. Hope all is well.”
Sarah’s eyes lit up and her smile returned. She responded: “Hey, Duane. Thanks for checkin’ up on me.”
Duane’s text: “I know a great pizza place that we can go to for lunch tomorrow. Are you down?”
Sarah’s response: “As long as I can escape my professional hell for at least an hour.”
Duane’s reply: “LOL! Hang in there. I’ll stop by your office by noon tomorrow.”
Sarah’s response: “OK, see you then. BTW: You can call me Liz if you like.”
Sarah’s interest began to rise in the brief texting conversation. She soon found herself anticipating the big lunch date. In spite of her excitement, Sarah was still frustrated at her job. She questioned why she was suffering like she was. Wendell had questioned her integrity for the last time, and Brenda was on the right road to a good ass-whuppin’. It seemed like everytime Sarah gave her co-workers the benefit of the doubt, they went and did something else stupid. As far as Sarah was concerned, her lunch date with Duane was her last hope.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
The Princess & The Playa, Part Two
Previously on “The Princess & The Playa,” we were introduced to Sarah, a young woman in her mid-twenties who was thoroughly frustrated with her thankless job as a front desk receptionist. She made a promise to herself that she would get through the day with nothing but positivity, even if she had to force herself to do so. Almost as soon as she made that promise, she was taken by surprise, as a young gentleman walked into the office… and seemingly into her life.
And now, here is Part Two of “The Princess & The Playa.”
Sarah turned around, and saw this tall, well-built man. He had to have been about six feet tall, and he had an afro like William Dent from Girlfriends. He was dressed in khaki pants and a chocolate brown cabana shirt. Sarah’s eyes lit up, and unbeknownst to her, she tilted her head to the left and put her hand over her chest.
“Hello there,” Sarah said with a smile. “How may I help you?”
“Yes, my name is Duane Anoai, and I have a ten o’clock with Brenda,” the gentleman said as he smiled back at Sarah.
“Okay, please have a seat and I will let her know that you are here.”
On his way to his seat, Duane tried to nonchalantly check out Sarah. He took into account her honey blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, and pink lipstick. He also noticed that she had an alluring scent of apple blossom lotion, and she was color coordinated in her dress. “I bet someone done scooped her up about five months ago,” he thought to himself as he took out the necessary documents for his meeting with Brenda.
Sarah buzzed Brenda and let her know that Duane was ten minutes early for his appointment. Duane was excited, because it was his last year in the MBA program at Golden Gate University, and he was looking to make the most of it. Ironically enough, he felt that the angels were smiling on him, because he had never seen a woman as lovely as Sarah. He thought of the right thing to say to her, without making it well known that he was checking her out. He knew not to say, “Damn, Baby Girl—you know you fine!” Such a statement was just flat-out inappropriate. As Sarah continued stuffing envelopes for one of the professors, Duane finally figured out something to say to her.
“Orange is definitely your color, Miss, and it shows.”
“Oh, thank you,” Sarah blushed. “Orange just so happens to be my favorite color.”
“I can tell, because you wear it well.”
Sarah knew Brenda’s routine quite well. Like usual, Brenda was taking her sweet time getting ready for her appointments. She knew that Brenda never took her job seriously, so she decided to spark a conversation with Duane. In the midst of the conversation, Duane made mention that Sarah’s boyfriend was the most fortunate man in the world. Sarah chuckled and informed Duane that she was a single lady. Upon hearing this, Duane raised his eyebrow and nodded.
“What’s a pretty young lady like you doing single?” Duane asked.
“Well, I have my reasons,” Sarah answered with a smile. “I guess I don’t have time to date that much. Besides, I’d rather be single the rest of my life than have five kids by five different men out of wedlock like most women I know.”
Suddenly, Brenda stormed out of her office and demanded that she was ready to talk to Duane about his last few classes of the MBA program. Duane looked at Sarah with bewilderment, and Sarah shrugged her shoulders as if to say, “I don’t know.” When Duane walked into the office, Brenda cut an evil look at Sarah, then slammed her office door very loud and very hard. Wendell walked out and asked Sarah what was going on, to which Sarah responded: “I’m not the one you should talk to—ask Brenda.”
As Sarah continued with her office duties, Arnold walked in to say hello. Arnold worked in the department down the hall, and he always came by to chat with Sarah. Arnold was also one of the rare few that helped Sarah out when she first started working. As they were conversing, Duane had finished with his meeting and left Brenda’s office. Just as Duane was about to leave, he turned back around and asked if Sarah was available for lunch sometime during the week. As Sarah’s eyes lit up, she looked at Arnold, who chuckled appreciatively. Sarah suggested that Wednesday was good for her. She also wrote her cellphone number down and handed it to Duane.
“Okay, Miss Sarah—I shall see you this Wednesday, and lunch is on me,” Duane said as he winked at Sarah.
Sarah felt breathless, as she put her hand over her heart and bit her lip. All the while, Arnold kept on nodding, then he said, “Go ‘head on, Miss Sarah.” Sarah began to smile, and then she started blushing like crazy.
And now, here is Part Two of “The Princess & The Playa.”
Sarah turned around, and saw this tall, well-built man. He had to have been about six feet tall, and he had an afro like William Dent from Girlfriends. He was dressed in khaki pants and a chocolate brown cabana shirt. Sarah’s eyes lit up, and unbeknownst to her, she tilted her head to the left and put her hand over her chest.
“Hello there,” Sarah said with a smile. “How may I help you?”
“Yes, my name is Duane Anoai, and I have a ten o’clock with Brenda,” the gentleman said as he smiled back at Sarah.
“Okay, please have a seat and I will let her know that you are here.”
On his way to his seat, Duane tried to nonchalantly check out Sarah. He took into account her honey blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, and pink lipstick. He also noticed that she had an alluring scent of apple blossom lotion, and she was color coordinated in her dress. “I bet someone done scooped her up about five months ago,” he thought to himself as he took out the necessary documents for his meeting with Brenda.
Sarah buzzed Brenda and let her know that Duane was ten minutes early for his appointment. Duane was excited, because it was his last year in the MBA program at Golden Gate University, and he was looking to make the most of it. Ironically enough, he felt that the angels were smiling on him, because he had never seen a woman as lovely as Sarah. He thought of the right thing to say to her, without making it well known that he was checking her out. He knew not to say, “Damn, Baby Girl—you know you fine!” Such a statement was just flat-out inappropriate. As Sarah continued stuffing envelopes for one of the professors, Duane finally figured out something to say to her.
“Orange is definitely your color, Miss, and it shows.”
“Oh, thank you,” Sarah blushed. “Orange just so happens to be my favorite color.”
“I can tell, because you wear it well.”
Sarah knew Brenda’s routine quite well. Like usual, Brenda was taking her sweet time getting ready for her appointments. She knew that Brenda never took her job seriously, so she decided to spark a conversation with Duane. In the midst of the conversation, Duane made mention that Sarah’s boyfriend was the most fortunate man in the world. Sarah chuckled and informed Duane that she was a single lady. Upon hearing this, Duane raised his eyebrow and nodded.
“What’s a pretty young lady like you doing single?” Duane asked.
“Well, I have my reasons,” Sarah answered with a smile. “I guess I don’t have time to date that much. Besides, I’d rather be single the rest of my life than have five kids by five different men out of wedlock like most women I know.”
Suddenly, Brenda stormed out of her office and demanded that she was ready to talk to Duane about his last few classes of the MBA program. Duane looked at Sarah with bewilderment, and Sarah shrugged her shoulders as if to say, “I don’t know.” When Duane walked into the office, Brenda cut an evil look at Sarah, then slammed her office door very loud and very hard. Wendell walked out and asked Sarah what was going on, to which Sarah responded: “I’m not the one you should talk to—ask Brenda.”
As Sarah continued with her office duties, Arnold walked in to say hello. Arnold worked in the department down the hall, and he always came by to chat with Sarah. Arnold was also one of the rare few that helped Sarah out when she first started working. As they were conversing, Duane had finished with his meeting and left Brenda’s office. Just as Duane was about to leave, he turned back around and asked if Sarah was available for lunch sometime during the week. As Sarah’s eyes lit up, she looked at Arnold, who chuckled appreciatively. Sarah suggested that Wednesday was good for her. She also wrote her cellphone number down and handed it to Duane.
“Okay, Miss Sarah—I shall see you this Wednesday, and lunch is on me,” Duane said as he winked at Sarah.
Sarah felt breathless, as she put her hand over her heart and bit her lip. All the while, Arnold kept on nodding, then he said, “Go ‘head on, Miss Sarah.” Sarah began to smile, and then she started blushing like crazy.
Monday, February 14, 2011
The Princess and The Playa, Part One
First of all, I wish to thank each and every one of you for your comments and feedback about last week’s blog “When Howie Met Jessi.” We are continuing with the romance theme this week with a new story, “The Princess & The Playa.” I hope you enjoy it.
“Well, here it is—Monday morning. Time to go to work and at least survive the day.”
Sarah Elizabeth had worked in the History Department at Hayes University since she graduated college in 2006. She hadn’t bothered a soul, and all of a sudden she was constantly attacked. If she wasn’t lied on, she was talked about. Something had to give. She had had enough of the torment, and she was fed up with being mistreated. It also seemed as though Pastor Rich’s sermon really spoke to her, and the choir’s songs reached her heart. In keeping up with her good mood, Sarah decided to wear her favorite sundress—a combination of orange, yellow and purple. She had a lovely orange sweater that she could wear with it, as well as some yellow open-toed shoes.
“I’m gonna have a good day, even if it kills me,” Sarah said, as she picked up her purse and headed out the door.
As usual, she was the first one to arrive—then again, that was one of the qualifications of a front desk receptionist. She sat down and locked her purse inside her desk, then she got an orange juice from the vending machine downstairs. She enjoyed those quiet moments to herself, albeit they were very brief. She checked her e-mails, some she answered and others she forwarded to the correct individual. Before Sarah opened the door to the office, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, praying that God would grant her both strength and serenity. After saying her prayer, she sent her girlfriends a quick text message: “Y’all lift me up in prayer, because I’m sure gonna need it.” As soon as she put her cellphone up, her windchime alert went off. Her girlfriend Nattie sent her a text: “Don’t worry, Liz—we got your back.” Her other girlfriend Melissa sent a text: “I’m on standby—just let me know whose ass to kick when I get there... LOL!”
Finally, Sarah opened the door to the office, and the mayhem began. As usual, she was on her job. Whatever the faculty, staff, and students requested, she made sure that they got it. Just as Sarah was having a good time, her boss Wendell walked in the door.
“Good morning, Sarah.”
Sarah really didn’t want to so much as look at her boss, much less speak to him. It was hard for her to look at him the same, especially after he questioned her integrity time and time again. Despite feeling vengeful, Sarah remembered what Romans 12:21 taught her—overcome evil with good. Sarah looked up to the heavens and prayed for strength, then she gave a halfhearted smile and said, “Hey, Wendel.”
When her antagonistic co-worker Brenda walked in to work (late as usual), that was a different story.
“Okay, Lord—I said that I would be good today, and I’m gonna. But I need you to help me.”
Even though it made Sarah sick, she still spoke to Brenda. There was so much animosity between the two. Truth be told—Brenda was jealous of Sarah, personally and professionally. Brenda was also a vindictive woman; she was one of many who lied and spread rumors on Sarah. There was even an instance when Brenda pushed Sarah, right in front of Wendell. Sarah acted on impulse and grabbed Brenda, hemming her up into a wall. Sarah immediately began to pray that she wouldn’t have to step outside of herself again.
It was eerily quiet in that office, but Sarah’s spirits were still pretty high. Brenda had a lot of appointments with students throughout the whole day, and Sarah was willing to put her personal feelings aside and help out whenever and wherever possible. As Sarah was fishing for something in her desk, a young man walked into the office. With a humble smile, he cleared his throat and said, “Excuse me, Miss?”
Sarah turned around, and saw this tall, well-built man. He had to have been about six feet tall, and he had an afro like William Dent from Girlfriends. He was dressed in khaki pants and a chocolate brown cabana shirt. Sarah’s eyes lit up, and unbeknownst to her, she tilted her head to the left and put her hand over her chest.
Friday, February 11, 2011
When Howie Met Jessi, The Conclusion

And now we continue with the conclusion of “When Howie Met Jessi.”
“Hot damn—my first date since… well, since…that long, eh?”
The last date Howard went on was around the time that he and Tina Stevenson were college sweethearts, and that was in 2003. Howard had been on a few dates since then, but gave up dating altogether when a girl played him for a fool. Howard forgave the jezebel for her chicanery, but he also got the chance to let her know what a deceitful witch she was. Of course, she didn’t like being called out on her wrongdoing, but Howard didn’t give a damn. Anyway, after that mess was put behind him, Howard learned the true meaning of love. He still had his family, friends, and church supporting him, and now he was ready to move on.
In preparation for his first date with Jessica, Howard prayed that he would have a great time and that Jessica would not be like the jezebel of the past. Then again, he was not about to let Jessica pay for something that she was not a part of. In spite of his nerves acting up, Howard was all smiles. This was his first date in a long time, and of all things, she was as big a wrestling fan as he was. The question remained: Would he and Jessica have anything else in common? As Howard thought about how he would converse with Jessica, he looked into his closet for his black and light blue baseball jersey.
“Dammit, must be in the cleaners!” he huffed.
Howard decided on his navy and gold baseball jersey, with match track pants and tennis shoes. The weatherman said that it would be a warm one, and Howard wanted to make sure that he was comfortable. After getting dressed, Howard said another prayer, and left to have a fun date.
Howard arrived at the Santa Monica Pier at 1:45 p.m. In his family, it was considered a sin to be late for anything. As he walked inside Beach Burgers, he told the hostess that he was expecting one more person. The hostess escorted Howard to a table that had a great ocean view. It was indeed a warm one, but Howard was under a canopy, and an ocean breeze blew by as well. As Howard listened to the music playing, he checked out the menu. Suddenly, a cute voice called out: “Hi, Howie—I’m here.”
That was Jessica’s voice, but when Howard looked up, he only saw a petite little lady in a form-fitting summer dress, and her hair was down to her shoulders. Howard couldn’t believe his eyes.
“Wowee… Jessi?”
“I know—I can clean up when I wanna, can I?”
The fact that Jessica was not wearing a baseball cap threw him off. However, she still had those sparkling grey eyes and that beautiful smile. Howard got up to pull out Jessica’s chair, then he sat down across from her.
The two cornballs really did have a lot in common. Howard explained that he would normally be chaperone to his sisters on a Saturday. Jessica explained to Howard that on any other Saturday, she would be babysitting her niece Victoria. When her family found out that she had a date, they were on the verge of throwing a party. Howard chuckled, then he explained to Jessica that he hadn’t been on a date in a while, and that he was very nervous.
“Awwwww, that’s so cute—a man admitting that he’s nervous,” Jessica smiled.
When time came to place their order, Jessica had a craving for a barbecue ranch chicken BLT with seasoned fries. Howard was about to order a cheeseburger, but decided to order the cheesesteak. As they were eating and conversing, a little girl cried out, “Mommy, Mommy—it’s Miss Dawn!” She had to have been no more than five years old, but she ran over to greet Jessica with a hug. Jessica cleaned her hands off and sat the little girl on her lap as Howard watched with a smile. Jessica then introduced the little girl and her mother to Howard. The little girl took a good look at Howard, then she turned to Jessica and said, “I like him—he’s cute.” Howard smiled and thanked the little girl.
“See you Monday, Miss Dawn. Bye!”
After the little girl and her mother left, Jessica told Howard about her job: she was the assistant director at the Children’s Center of Culver City, and she was also a tutor. She had been working there since her internship at UC Irvine. Jessica went on to explain that she wanted to make a difference in children’s lives, and that she absolutely adored children. Howard found that to be pretty evident, especially when Jessica shared that brief moment with one of her “little ones.” All while Jessica was talking, Howard was thinking to himself, “She’s into wrestling, she knows a good sandwich, and she loves kids—that’s quite alright right there. I wonder what kinda music she listens to.”
As soon as Howard asked himself that question, the next song inside Beach Burgers was “Nothin’ My Love Can’t Fix” by Joey Lawrence. At the precise same time, Howard and Jessica’s eyes lit up and they said, “Oh, no—not Joey Lawrence!” It was quite obvious by the other guests that Howard and Jessica loved this particular song, especially by the way they were dancing in their seats.
After their lunch, Howard and Jessica decided to walk along the pier and check out the sights. The sun was shining very brightly and the light ocean breeze brushed by so gently. For a moment, Howard and Jessica forgot about their own personal issues and just enjoyed one another’s company. As they continued to walk along the pier, they took into the relatively quiet atmosphere. In the distance, they heard a man on a guitar singing “Name” by the Goo Goo Dolls. Howard could tell that Jessica loved that song, and all it took was for him to notice how Jessica sang along as she tilted her head to her left. In turn, Jessica saw that Howard liked the song because he hit the air in time to the rhythm.
When their date ended, Howard walked Jessica to her car, as the sun began to set into the Pacific Ocean.
“I had a good time this afternoon, Howie,”
“As did I, Jessi—as did I.”
For a moment, they held hands… and then they hugged.
“Say a prayer for me at church tomorrow, Howie.”
“I shall, and you do the same for me.”
We hope you enjoyed "When Howie Met Jessi." Join us next week for another love story, here on Ms. Viv 'Nim.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
When Howie Met Jessi, Part Three
Previously on “When Howie Met Jessi,” Howard was all giddy that Jessica wrote her phone number for him, in a cute fashion. Howard tried his damnedest to concentrate on Bible Study later that evening, but it was clearly obvious that he was soaring above the clouds. Howard also struggled with whether or not he should call Jessica, but eventually he made his mind up and called her. Would she pick up?
And now we continue with Part Three of “When Howie Met Jessi.”
Ring… ring… ring…
“Hi, Jessica?”
“Hi, Jessica. This is Howie, from the grocery store.”
“Well, hello!”
Much to Howard’s shock and delight, Jessica did in fact pick up the phone. His Auntie Sandy’s advice did him some good. Like the cornball that he grew up to be, Howard explained to Jessica that he had just returned from Bible Study. Jessica’s response: “Oh, that’s cool. What’s the topic for the month?”
Was Howard dreaming? Did Jessica just ask him how Bible Study went? Howard got over his shock and told Jessica what he learned in Bible Study. It was also during this conversation that Jessica revealed that she too, was an avid churchgoer. She was working on her Sunday School lesson when Howard called her.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll let you get back to your lesson.”
“Oh, come now, Howie. I’ve got time to talk. Besides, tomorrow’s my day off from work.”
Howard and Jessica talked for about an hour and some change, conversing about college life, family, and career goals. The conversation was going very well, until Howard and Jessica reached a fork in the road.
“So Howie, what’s the plan for this Saturday?”
Howard knew that Jessica couldn’t see him over the phone, yet he pretended to pick up an imaginary appointment book and skim through the pages. He took a deep breath and said, “Jessica, it looks like I’ve got something to do this Saturday.”
Jessica paused, and with her bravest smile, she said, “Oh, I understand. It must be something really important.”
“Yeah it is, and I cannot reschedule,” Howard replied. “It turns out that I have a date with a Miss Jessica Dawn Torres.”
Jessica blushed and giggled. “Oh, you—that’s a good one. You got me good!”
“Just wanted to see if you were on your toes,” Howard chuckled.
After a good laugh, Howard suggested that Jessica choose the place, but Jessica made it clear that she wasn’t picky. Knowing that the ball was back in his court, Howard decided on the Santa Monica Pier. There was a new beachside restaurant called Beach Burgers, and Howard had been longing to check it out. Jessica’s interest was piqued, as she said, “Ooh, sounds like a date. I’m down for it.”
After ironing out all of the details, Howard and Jessica wished each other well and hung up. Once again, Howard was as giddy as a toddler in Toys R Us.
“Hot damn—my first date since… well, since…that long, eh?”
And now we continue with Part Three of “When Howie Met Jessi.”
Ring… ring… ring…
“Hi, Jessica?”
“Hi, Jessica. This is Howie, from the grocery store.”
“Well, hello!”
Much to Howard’s shock and delight, Jessica did in fact pick up the phone. His Auntie Sandy’s advice did him some good. Like the cornball that he grew up to be, Howard explained to Jessica that he had just returned from Bible Study. Jessica’s response: “Oh, that’s cool. What’s the topic for the month?”
Was Howard dreaming? Did Jessica just ask him how Bible Study went? Howard got over his shock and told Jessica what he learned in Bible Study. It was also during this conversation that Jessica revealed that she too, was an avid churchgoer. She was working on her Sunday School lesson when Howard called her.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll let you get back to your lesson.”
“Oh, come now, Howie. I’ve got time to talk. Besides, tomorrow’s my day off from work.”
Howard and Jessica talked for about an hour and some change, conversing about college life, family, and career goals. The conversation was going very well, until Howard and Jessica reached a fork in the road.
“So Howie, what’s the plan for this Saturday?”
Howard knew that Jessica couldn’t see him over the phone, yet he pretended to pick up an imaginary appointment book and skim through the pages. He took a deep breath and said, “Jessica, it looks like I’ve got something to do this Saturday.”
Jessica paused, and with her bravest smile, she said, “Oh, I understand. It must be something really important.”
“Yeah it is, and I cannot reschedule,” Howard replied. “It turns out that I have a date with a Miss Jessica Dawn Torres.”
Jessica blushed and giggled. “Oh, you—that’s a good one. You got me good!”
“Just wanted to see if you were on your toes,” Howard chuckled.
After a good laugh, Howard suggested that Jessica choose the place, but Jessica made it clear that she wasn’t picky. Knowing that the ball was back in his court, Howard decided on the Santa Monica Pier. There was a new beachside restaurant called Beach Burgers, and Howard had been longing to check it out. Jessica’s interest was piqued, as she said, “Ooh, sounds like a date. I’m down for it.”
After ironing out all of the details, Howard and Jessica wished each other well and hung up. Once again, Howard was as giddy as a toddler in Toys R Us.
“Hot damn—my first date since… well, since…that long, eh?”
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
When Howie Met Jessi, Part Two
Previously on “When Howie Met Jessi,” we saw Howard on his way to Bible Study, but was trapped in a long line at the supermarket. As he was in the process of taking his mind off the long wait, he was singing—of all things—a theme song from wrestling, and a young woman named Jessica Torres was singing along with him. A conversation sparked betwixt the two, and soon thereafter, Jessica wrote down her digits and gave them to Howard.
And now we continue with Part Two of “When Howie Met Jessi.”
“What are the odds of this happening!” Howard thought to himself as he nodded appreciatively and accepted Jessica’s phone number. He observed how she wrote down her digits—each number was written perfectly, and when she wrote her first name, she dotted the “I” with a smiley-faced heart.
“I do hope to hear from you soon, because I’d really like for us to kick it this weekend,” Jessica said with a sparkling smile.
“I shouldn’t have anything to do this weekend, but you will most definitely be hearin’ from me,” Howard smiled.
As they parted ways, Howard did a little Texas Two-Step and headed home to prepare for Bible Study. He couldn’t help himself—he was so giddy that he was about to bust. However, he knew that he needed to keep his mind on Bible Study. When he got home, he only had enough time to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, then head to church for Bible Study. He prayed that he would be able to concentrate on the subject, but yet and still, he was so thrilled about meeting a girl at such a random place that he walked into the church with a Cheshire Cat smile.
After Bible Study ended, Howard went home and sat on the couch to think. Should he call Jessica now, or wait until tomorrow? He had read articles about how the guy should wait at least a day to call, but his Auntie Sandy always told him that when a girl gives her phone number to a guy, the ball is in his court. What was Howard to do?
It took him fifteen minutes to come up with the answer, but Howard finally went ahead and dialed Jessica’s number. Would she answer it?
Ring... ring... ring...
And now we continue with Part Two of “When Howie Met Jessi.”
“What are the odds of this happening!” Howard thought to himself as he nodded appreciatively and accepted Jessica’s phone number. He observed how she wrote down her digits—each number was written perfectly, and when she wrote her first name, she dotted the “I” with a smiley-faced heart.
“I do hope to hear from you soon, because I’d really like for us to kick it this weekend,” Jessica said with a sparkling smile.
“I shouldn’t have anything to do this weekend, but you will most definitely be hearin’ from me,” Howard smiled.
As they parted ways, Howard did a little Texas Two-Step and headed home to prepare for Bible Study. He couldn’t help himself—he was so giddy that he was about to bust. However, he knew that he needed to keep his mind on Bible Study. When he got home, he only had enough time to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, then head to church for Bible Study. He prayed that he would be able to concentrate on the subject, but yet and still, he was so thrilled about meeting a girl at such a random place that he walked into the church with a Cheshire Cat smile.
After Bible Study ended, Howard went home and sat on the couch to think. Should he call Jessica now, or wait until tomorrow? He had read articles about how the guy should wait at least a day to call, but his Auntie Sandy always told him that when a girl gives her phone number to a guy, the ball is in his court. What was Howard to do?
It took him fifteen minutes to come up with the answer, but Howard finally went ahead and dialed Jessica’s number. Would she answer it?
Ring... ring... ring...
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
When Howie Met Jessi, Part One

The first romance blog is entitled "When Howie Met Jessi." Yes, I realize that the title sounds familiar (LOL), nevertheless, I hope y’all enjoy today’s blog.
It seemed like any type of day for Howard. He had just left work and stopped at the grocery store to get a couple of things. Bible Study was in two hours and he figured that he could rush home to get a little rest in. He looked at his watch and saw that it was five o’clock. He had plenty of time to get home… that is, until he saw the long lines at all eleven checkstands.
“Good grief,” Howard thought. “It’ll be six-thirty by the time I get home.”
Howard weighed his options. There were three “ten items or less” lines, and all of them were longer than the others. He decided to take the least longest line. He stood behind a lady that had all types of grocery items, pet food, and laundry detergent. All Howard had was two loaves of bread and some orange juice, and he needed those items. As he looked all around the grocery store, he decided to keep himself entertained and started singing the theme song to legendary wrestler “Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase. Howard was really getting down to the song, even singing the instrumental version.
“Some might cost a little, and some might cost a lot. But I’m the Million Dollar Man…”
“And you will be bought—hahahahahahahaha!” a voice responded.
To Howard’s surprise, a young woman was singing the Ted DiBiase theme song along with him. A smile ran across Howard’s face as he nodded appreciatively.
“Ah, so I see that you’re a Million Dollar Fan,” he said to the young woman.
“Of course I am,” she smiled. “He is one of, if not, the greatest heels in wrestling history. Personally, Ted’s always been my favorite.”
“I see,” Howard laughed. “So, I guess it’s safe to say that you were cheering for Ted to win the big 14-man tournament at WrestleMania IV.”
“And how,” she said. “I mean, think about it—everybody had a price for the Million Dollar Man.”
With an over-the-top strain in his voice, Howard said, “Not everybody had a price, yeah. All the money in the world couldn’t stop the Macho Madness from takin’ the strap—dig it!”
The young lady giggled in appreciation of Howard’s impersonation of Randy “Macho Man” Savage, then she said, “I guess you weren’t pullin’ for Ted at all.”
“Uh-uh, no way—yeah!” Howard said in his Macho Man voice. “If Ted couldn't stop the madness, then nobody could... dig it!”
Since the line wasn’t moving any faster, Howard and the young lady introduced themselves. Her name was Jessica Dawn Torres, and she lived in the neighborhood. Coincidentally, Howard moved into his own apartment near the same grocery store. Jessica lived just three blocks down from Howard’s apartment. Amidst their conversation, Howard began to check out Jessica. She was a petite little lady, standing 5’4”, with gorgeous grey eyes and chestnut brown hair in a ponytail. To Howard’s surprise, Jessica was checking him out as well. They were so deep into their conversation that they didn’t realize how quickly the line started to move.
After Howard paid for his few groceries, he was about to leave when he realized that Jessica had a basket full of groceries. Additionally, Jessica forgot her Goober Grocery card. Being the gentleman that he was raised to be, Howard suggested that he take care of it. Jessica began to bat her eyes in appreciation.
It’s amazing what a woman will do to a man. One minute, Howard was complaining about being late for Bible Study, and the next minute he was striking up a conversation with a little cutie. However, it was something about Jessica that caught Howard’s attention. She wasn’t like the other girls that he had run across—she was totally different.
“By the way, Howie—if you’re not doing anything this weekend, I’d like to meet up with you,” Jessica said as she wrote down her number and handed it to him.
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