The first romance blog is entitled "When Howie Met Jessi." Yes, I realize that the title sounds familiar (LOL), nevertheless, I hope y’all enjoy today’s blog.
It seemed like any type of day for Howard. He had just left work and stopped at the grocery store to get a couple of things. Bible Study was in two hours and he figured that he could rush home to get a little rest in. He looked at his watch and saw that it was five o’clock. He had plenty of time to get home… that is, until he saw the long lines at all eleven checkstands.
“Good grief,” Howard thought. “It’ll be six-thirty by the time I get home.”
Howard weighed his options. There were three “ten items or less” lines, and all of them were longer than the others. He decided to take the least longest line. He stood behind a lady that had all types of grocery items, pet food, and laundry detergent. All Howard had was two loaves of bread and some orange juice, and he needed those items. As he looked all around the grocery store, he decided to keep himself entertained and started singing the theme song to legendary wrestler “Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase. Howard was really getting down to the song, even singing the instrumental version.
“Some might cost a little, and some might cost a lot. But I’m the Million Dollar Man…”
“And you will be bought—hahahahahahahaha!” a voice responded.
To Howard’s surprise, a young woman was singing the Ted DiBiase theme song along with him. A smile ran across Howard’s face as he nodded appreciatively.
“Ah, so I see that you’re a Million Dollar Fan,” he said to the young woman.
“Of course I am,” she smiled. “He is one of, if not, the greatest heels in wrestling history. Personally, Ted’s always been my favorite.”
“I see,” Howard laughed. “So, I guess it’s safe to say that you were cheering for Ted to win the big 14-man tournament at WrestleMania IV.”
“And how,” she said. “I mean, think about it—everybody had a price for the Million Dollar Man.”
With an over-the-top strain in his voice, Howard said, “Not everybody had a price, yeah. All the money in the world couldn’t stop the Macho Madness from takin’ the strap—dig it!”
The young lady giggled in appreciation of Howard’s impersonation of Randy “Macho Man” Savage, then she said, “I guess you weren’t pullin’ for Ted at all.”
“Uh-uh, no way—yeah!” Howard said in his Macho Man voice. “If Ted couldn't stop the madness, then nobody could... dig it!”
Since the line wasn’t moving any faster, Howard and the young lady introduced themselves. Her name was Jessica Dawn Torres, and she lived in the neighborhood. Coincidentally, Howard moved into his own apartment near the same grocery store. Jessica lived just three blocks down from Howard’s apartment. Amidst their conversation, Howard began to check out Jessica. She was a petite little lady, standing 5’4”, with gorgeous grey eyes and chestnut brown hair in a ponytail. To Howard’s surprise, Jessica was checking him out as well. They were so deep into their conversation that they didn’t realize how quickly the line started to move.
After Howard paid for his few groceries, he was about to leave when he realized that Jessica had a basket full of groceries. Additionally, Jessica forgot her Goober Grocery card. Being the gentleman that he was raised to be, Howard suggested that he take care of it. Jessica began to bat her eyes in appreciation.
It’s amazing what a woman will do to a man. One minute, Howard was complaining about being late for Bible Study, and the next minute he was striking up a conversation with a little cutie. However, it was something about Jessica that caught Howard’s attention. She wasn’t like the other girls that he had run across—she was totally different.
“By the way, Howie—if you’re not doing anything this weekend, I’d like to meet up with you,” Jessica said as she wrote down her number and handed it to him.
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